Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Postponed. [ARTICLE]

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Tbe opening of tbo Kamehameha Girls’ Schooi . has heen postpoaed ooiil the 19th of December, owing to the non«mTaI of certain material for the scbool. Miss Pop«, who will bave charge of the schooI ean be fosnd every Satnrday at the Qoeen Emma Hall from 9 to 12 in ihe morning. Parents and guardians who desire to plaee children in this new andjvaluable edooational iostitation should lose no {iime in eommunieeting with Miss i‘ope. The annoal fee is ©nly $50, and oa!y gixU over 12 years will be received ai pree«nt