Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Whf5 the Japanese citizen3 a few days ago celebrated the birthday of the Mikado at a mee<ing at tbe Beretania Street Armory. somebody in tbe government eaw fit to send a detacbment of armed ‘*citizen8’’ to the plaee of eelebration and allow a nnmber of half-biked“ repnblicans’’ to gport pistols and make a general asi- ; nine display of themselves. Tbere i was absolute no eall for such a j procedu'e. lt is to be hoped that the «ction of tbe arrae«l clerks taiIors ui:d shoeiuakers was aolely vlue to their own fertile iu agination and not ©ncouraged by the authorities Under all circumstances we shail recommend the government to stop the indiscriminate carrylug of fire arms by its patriotic and at times very •‘spirited” counter-jnmpers. One of tliese days tho pistols will be taken away frora (be irresponsi. hle blather skites aiul the A.U.P. will count a few members lesslf the goverijment did sent these arrned wolves in citizens clothes to guard a peaceful meeting of peacefal citizens of a forcign nationality it deserves all the ridicule and contenipt whieh now fa)I to its lot.