Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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macfarla.ve a co. Dealerg in Wine* and SpiriU K»»hnn>*nu S;reet, Henolaln. h E. MellimiE A BRO. t Gbocebt, Feed Stobx & Bakebt, Corner of Eing and Fort Sta., Honolulu J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTER COPPERSMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly £xecnted. No. 71 King Street, Honolnln. Dk. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mulual Telephone 682, for offlce; 287 for residence. jy28 ED. C. ROWE. Hmise Sign and Oiuai Painter. Manufacture of Liqu5d S!ayng. 620 King Streel. augl Y. LUM SIXG, I Dealer in Frnits and Groceries. Fresh Fruita by Even- Cflifornia Steamer, Eresh Isfand Butter from Hawaii. 135 For/ Street. Cotfoe Roasted. P 0/Box 169 Fresh Island Prodn eei Goods Delivered to Any Pfrt of the City, ' / jy21 “FAT B< bayhorseWsaloon I P. McIXERNY,/pkopriktoii, Fine Liquors, Wines and Ljer. Corneb Brrai/ ano Ilona. Sts. Honolulu Car/age Manufactory W. W. A\»ilGIIT, Propkiktok, (SocAs8or to G. West). CARRIAGE AU Onlen» ( Carrtage Build Line wlll Mel Blacki>mitblir Done. P. O. i Fort 8treet. ITLDING xsv UF.PAIRI>G. >m tbe Otber Irtaod« in the n»c, TrimtuiuK and Painting with Pro«npt Attention. in All Its Varii>u» Branche« k>x 821. >08. 128 and 130 JyI9 Iy W S. LUCE and Sr>irit Mercharit (7am|6«W Firt-proof Block, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU. 71 :B|TH TELEPHONES: 71 E-COSSOLIDATED—-SODA WATER WORKS (X). (LncrmtD.) * Toi Wo Wlng Kee Co. / M NUUANU 8TREET Ppnkm in Ladies' A Gents' Buots jind Shoee made to order. >0»>l367 lr* Harrison. C0NTRACT0R AND BUILDER The Leading Builder IN HONOLULU. EaUmale» gtT»n on aii kioda of Brick, Iron, Ston« and Wooden Buitdiog*. Jobbing of all kinds. Bnilding M»teri*i for S»l«. 510 »nd 5lS Kmg Slr«et. Re»ld«noe T«*lephon», BeH tJ7. P. O. Box 11. oc3-«