Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal ! HAVB MOVED T0 — Morgan's - Auct!on - Roomt for » sbort time. We ar«tm Departure Bay COALj charcoal, ALOEROBA and KINDUNG WOOD in *ny quantity. BoU> Tel«phone* 414 » n6 Ploneer Shlrt Factory £STABL1SHED ISS7. A. M. MELUS, Proprietor,i 519 Fort SL. Honololo, (Cp8Ui«) Good Fit COXSOLIPATED SODA WATER C0. (LniITTKD.) E8PLAN ADE: C«r. Allea ind Fort Su. : i Honolnin !I0LL1STER * C0., A(«nM. The Whlte House! \ 118 Nuuanu Avenue, r“■ “ “* \ fii$-clas l(ooming {lon^e IN EVERY RESPECT. BooosVoi $1-50 to $3.00 per WeeL i or 50c. w Day. I>Alj L LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell Te*nhone 132. auu 22
OTICE T0 Vifltors, |pnic Parties. Lms GENERAt PUBLIC ! EKD — At Smith’s Bus a*» Livery Stable, Kino S'4ieet. [Adjoining Metropoiitan iAat Market.] la the Cheapest Plaee in Town you ean get Busses, Wagouenes, Buggies fnd Saddlo Horses. It will pay you to <mll and see before you try elsewhere. \ Mutaal Telephone 408
angl-tf piyJi ■ Etc., C’onier Sins ud AUkea SC\'cts, \
\ anno s By ETerj Steamcr from San Fr»neiaeo, wilh Fresh Fruit, Oysfers} Salmon, Pou/mry, ĒTCEic., Etc., 6.
J. LEYEY. V ReaJ Estate ami General Auctioneer, Own« Fort tnd Qn«en 8toeet«, Honohihi Pe rsonja attention given to 8aies of Famiture, Beal Eatate. oioek and Qeneral .. . . Merehandise. Tde»hone — NOTICEDoring my absenoe from the for Chma Chia Doek ** tnd general!r. Wallokn, Sepk SJ4 ( 1894 —.— Air Chew WA2STTED or n *n» 8r oot8 3ted Iaqoire al Holomoa Ofsick.