Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fire, laife d IKEarine INSURANCE. * hartford fire insurance 09., Assete, $ 7.109.825.49 LOXDON-LAXCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO., Assete, $ 4^317,052.00 THAAIES-MERSEY MARINE INS. CO„ Assete. $ 6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COj r • Assete, $137,499,198.99 O. O. BERGER, Geo«ral Agent for the Hawaiīan lalaniia,

! H- E- MelN-nA* $ 8^0 IMP0RTEBS AND DEALERS IN \ i , \ !Pix>visions AND Feed, *.EAST C0RNER F0RT & KING|STS. New Goods Rec 7 d By every Packet from the Eastern States and Enrope. Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfnlly attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of ihe city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island 0rders Solicited. Satisfactīon Gnaranteed. Post 0ffice Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. P. 0. Box 480. Mdtūal Tklepho.\k 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Bny New and Second Hand Fnmiture IS AT.H’HĒ C0RNER OF I King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiuiu |H. L

PANĪHEON 8AL00N, v FOR' T ' AXD H)TEL ST9. Healiaailen Eaterpise Breviat Co, th* — Larg«»st Consigntu*nt of Beer that ever arrived iere, no;r on Draa|ht jy!4 J. DODD, Prop’r REAL ESTATE AGEJ?CY. Hoases to rent and for sale. Benta collected, corveyancing in all its branches atknded (o with promptness and de<patch. Hokoulu Beal Estate Aqesct. ®3 Fort St LEWIS 4 C0. WhoJesalc snd Retdi Groeeries A5D 1 PR0VISI01? DBAL£BS.

• FR£SH CALHOSKli SOON JNIGB 8alt Sauco5 nr Babbsls Al m /w/ A. /AmMe. T<n*40, p * O. &x 397-