Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BEDS of M)YEN WIRE! Fhe Luxury or THK I9th Oentury
A* Mysterion«»T«le. t>r»t *ojboJr rr«T hear bo« tbe «»e cro’««. lo« tbe nOk fot ia th< coco«a3t, «bec aaa(!> wwl nt »own. r rom Um ulim c»aK to peopie tki» f»ir iaod. tad «ken Ihee iW. *knt thcT mll «tat. Vk* h»pf v daākj bmi? rhe«e £ieU are »'! m.r»teriott», »r.J no *olstion jc* t, Vnd tbere'« otber mr*terie* qaitc m «leep »htch nre not fi»thomc<J rrt iVto tu U raa tbe opixm ric*. *vt in %be Qt)nor free. 3o» »s> it Ca*to«* mee »ere bUad. Jetec tire» eouWat eee* iVbōre e»ine to be ihe Tusduiit kiee o< thb mo*l pioo* to»u. CVho'U «tart tbe Sho». to »bo» ehnll «e nU pUnk the **needfttr‘ do»n; lVho »111 be Bo*«, »nd run tbe firm, »ho will ihe Bnckier be. fc do it on th« rr»vo plaa of tbe tireat KepahUe frec? One (hiae »e kno« that BAlLEY'S BEDS »rr m*de of \VUVEN WIKE, They cive u* eom(ort, peaee »nd re»t, and are aU th»t »e de*ire; He takes no part in poUliea, bat doca Ihe be*t be ean, To ple»M hi* frier.J«, »nJ *ho« lh»t he'* th? WOVES WIKE MAN 1 W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufacturer 0f woven wire Beds, HoUl Street, Honolulu, (next door t) Horn’s Steam Bakorr.) Sald hy JU1 Resp5ctabl3 Dsalsrs. aug 14-lm L. B. KERR’S ANNOUNCEMENT! H.WE JDir REGEIVED A LARGK ASSORTMEXT OF . FINE SIF1T1NGS, ELEGANT PATTERXS, and;latest STYLES, % Thes«e jpv>da wilī he «okl in •ny.Qi ,^ n tjty frotn a 100;Yards Dow\ to Enoloh to Make a Sixgle Scrr! —AND AT—HAED THE8 PE10E81 L. B. RKRK. - - IMP0KT£R JQaeen Slreet. Sept5-3m
PIONEKH Steam CANDY Factory. R.IHERY «nd Ice Cream Parlors!
ar nuenou. CON FEC ĪIONEK »nd ORNABENTER * ' i% »U hrm*ek*> 4 u* hm*im*u »» r»rlVi> fii—n ud Fre*cb P.VSTBitS SU4e to Ontar.
BIRTH-DiY ABD WKDDDiG CiUS H*3x oi tto V«7 Be»t MalerU »4 Family 6raiua 4 Fmcy Bread iinyi m Bmd* AUL C0XrECn02ieBY FACTOET A»D 8TOR£. x* n