Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Advertm" states that AdoIph Spreokels left for Mhui in the Kinau yesterd*y. The horse-men in California will be ' somewbat puazled as to this latest move of the famous sportsman. Probably the Ls a little off! Miss Nannan* has secured the t Qpera House *nd will give a epeeial perfonnance on Monda\ , afternoon. Her many friendi will rally in admiring this popu- | lar yonng actress.

The many Criends of Sam Allen regret to learn of his indisposition. Mr. Allen had completely recovered from his aaihma but was sobjected to au atUck shortJy »{ter his arrival ber«. Mr. J. J. Williams, Uio welli known photographer i* cooficed; to his honae. Hia many frienda hope that lhore is nothiog aerions in hia present »tUck of illnee».

— It ia reported thal Cupid ha» 1 m »de havo<» with onoof Dailey’s , actressaa and that th« ring was i porehaaed y«eterday whieh willh officially make herleavotheranks ol ahe benedicta. The Hawaiian Sew» Co. have r«ceived wiappen» for photogvapha. A long felt want will bo abaled and Ihe pnee ia ao that «Terybodr wanliog to send their “mug’’ abroad ean afibrd to have it wrapped *ec«w«ly.