Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1894 — Another Success. [ARTICLE]
Another Success.
Oue of the neatest and most enjoyable perforinauces evergiven in this eity was witnessed last eveniug at the Opera Honse by only half an audienco. The. play was Brousou Howards '*Henrietta.” a comedy draraa sparkling with brilliant repartee and dialogue pure in its Knglish. Mortimer Snow gave substantial evid- . enoe of his versatility and artistic worth as Bertie the Lamb. Al. Hallett was a eool concienceless ’ viliian; Richard Scott was forcible and striking as ]Nick Yalan- > styne; Mr. Belmour a very life } like minister; Mr. Weinera pleaa3 ing physician and Mr. Dailey a faithful «yvant. The scene in the office of Watson and Blint
was extremely realistic and the new drawing room displayed iq the second and fonrth aot waa a marvel of beanty. Mis Dalgleish was effective as Rose alanstyne and Miss Kannary never looked prettier than as Agnes. Mrs. Belmour, Mrs. Opdyke and Misa Stockmeyera. Lady May were botb gracefully rendered. It was a performance on the whole deserving a larger nttendance. Tomorrow evening *’Hold by the | Enemy,” a late miliiary draraa