Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1894 — Be Just. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Be Just.

Emtob Hou>inra; Mr. Daiiey's • Ben«fit — aod why particalarlv Mr. Dailey , Wby not A1 Hslīet or Mis» Dalgleiab, or in fact any otber iady or gentleman of fhe troupe' M by not tbe scenic artist Or for the matter of that the csrpentere snd seene shiftere. All have done tbeir best, sod I am sore tbe latter need a belAing band badly enoagb. Now anybody bad eome forvard and said let us eombine and give the Leaaee. Mr. Lewia Levey a seod off there woold bave beensome sense in it. All the worry —tne selliog tickete --al!otting seats—trying to please and pleasing everybody falls opMr. Levey. lt/s Mr. Levey this, and Mr. Levey tbat when anytbing of an A>iigatoiy natare is; reqaire<l, and when any hitch oeeon, ob! it is Mr, Levey who i» to blame! Of coarse, it is—be stands tbe racket all tbe timo. Now I woaUl suggest as we all like Mc. Levey (no matter bis politicifand he is bonest enoagh to acknowlege them) tbat he shoald have/ a good rousing benefit Jveu him. Let Mr Dailey pro«ice a pieee (as be ean well do/ Get oor two splendid bands tcfclay as they would with pleaswre do on au occasion of tbis jreind, and let us fill tbe Opera l!ouse to OTerftowiug. Uead and aud reflect fellow cit zeus and give tbe |Mr. Levey) hisdue. Yours. Citize.v.