Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 Nowemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
— ! Thia is IHUer'sUgt week. 1 _____ "HeM by tbe £oemy‘ tomor- 1 row. j Tbe N«nshan left tbls after- < noon. , Hon’i forget the Leilani meet- f | ing tonigbt. { " I Tbe Nanahan vas sapposed to Honolnlo todav. < i . i Mr. C. "W. Asbford is rns‘.ieat- ] ing near Pearl Harbor. , i Tbe Metbodist cbarcb coante - only eigbteen mdmbers ao f«r. , , Tbe planters bave mostly dis- , pereed for tbeir respective Lomes. | j A mail for Japan was forward- < od in tho Frencb man-of-war to- i 1 day. ! ( Tbe Frencb man-of-war left port tbis afternoon bound' for Chma. i i 1 The Marebal’s oftice is being repaired. It is probably being . made bomb-proof. ) i The Cbinese celebration yes3 | torday was not raarked by any i >; special enthnsiasm. ā !! / A number of theater goers d ® sire to tender W. E. Dailey/a » | complimentary benefit. . I
Minister Hatch called oiy the French man-of war yesterdai and received the customary salwe. Mr. Victor Bache has resided here for the Iast iwo years left in the Xanshan as *juart»>rmaster. The Hyaciuth will re«aiu here for the present. Thej/lT. S. S. Benuington will problbly arrive next week. Tbo session ofJttie Planters' Labor and SuppWCompany is ended and nothin»of importance was done. W The Ciugalejji jewellers who lately have bedp doing business in Honolulu Jrill leave in the i Nanshan. i
The will celebrate itslanniversary ou tho 19th inst. feenator Carter will do tho talkilg. Ihe Yoing Hawaiian’s Iustitute will meet at the T. M. C. A. this evening. The Institute seems to sleeping Oue of the salvationist “officers“ hak gono to Hilo to have a g ood tim| and drive the devils | 1 ! out of tb| rainy city. i I t
Eleehi- Iights will ba useil in the now Lnilding of the Kamehameha sAhools for g*rls. The teacher| will be able to have an “eleeine” eye on the girla 1 here will be a raeeting of the j Leilani Boat Glub at tbe Hotel at 7;30 p.m. All members are I to be preseut. | M|. W. Q. Irwin declined to i sor v as pre«ident of the Planters I lab<3 company and Mr. A. F. j Soh efer was elected in hia plaee.
l|ie alleged mutinous crew of the Sansban are now prisoners : on the Hyācinth and will be shipped to Japan in the next steamer. A kanafca nan»ed Pnnipaka bas heen senteDced to death in California for mnrdering an old woman. He elaima to be a i«Au of Qaeen Kapiolani.
1 C. B. Reynolds ia willing to j burial cert»ficates eren on a Sunday. Tbere are consequenUy no reason for anvbody not to dxe | and be bnried on that dayThe Salration army wiii gir« » K <*oulv for la^iea 11 . nckt.” I» « * ul fj «“* {H I w.nt* th* •*«‘“»* ol tU • f.ir ■“ ek** 4 '®* bl * b k,ck ' . . .1 tho hnla aod t ine. l»q« ld rno »»» ī ot ber characterislic pee«l«r to * tfae pre«ent gener»tion. P..1& ■**$%&, x R