Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
JUST ARRIVED. B)BY - CARRIAGES 0F JLLL 8TTLES, CAKPETS IN THE LATEST PATTEKN> <4 HOUSEHOLD |SEWING MACHINES Haxd vSEWIXQ MaCH1.V£S. ► tiT Ali With th« Litwt lmprov«iMa^^g i I PAIiLOK Jraans, Guitarc And OtLer Mnsical Ioatrnmec . I ~ — j \Vines, liquots, Beer always on* hano. and FOB 8ALP. BY ED. HOFFSCHLJEGEB 4 C0, Kin« St_ oppo. Ca«tle A Cooke*» 6pi|epion, Salooii ! NOTICE is herebv given, that all clairas againsc tīie C?iteri,pn SaIoon t will be settled by ifas. F. Morgau. and all outstanding the Cbiterion Saloon and the jobbing house of L. H. Dk.e up to the above date, are p.Tvable {. ■ Mr. L. II. Dee. AH bills against L. H. Dee. please present iramediatolv loi payment. L. H. DEE. Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1894. ooIO 3m Sw Si|(q f PROPRIETOR. sept 7—tf THOS. LIN13SAY 208 Merchaut Street Honolulu Neu’ Store, new Jewelry Ooid, Silver and IHamonā-*.
Jewelry Manufactare to or<ler. Watohes c]eaued and repaire<l» :n ?.nd inepeel.^l se-l-t f . VlfJQ-!-F/T.;-CH A N « —: FuRHITURE DēALĒRS.
to infonn the pahlie th*t * th«7 opcn«d a Branch Store al No. 322, Niiiuaa 8f Whfre they cmrry a eompieU line of 8ET3, CHAIR3, TABLES, WJLBDR0BE3 9TAXD6, Elo.. EU. r EU\ Kepaire«l sod Geaers) Jobbla« •t Ksasoaable Katp».
VING FAT CHAN, ,con>?r of KIbj< aml B*'bci Strw»t*. sept 6-3ms
MACH1NE MADE POI! EACTOBY, : : KALIHI. T&ro Pl«nts, Fresh Tops aml Taro at «II times. Bing Mulual Telephone 577. 3i\ * W. L. WILCOX, j/25 M«nager.