Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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c c IT’g * T0$ op., Someiimes where to go to purcbase any particular Mrticie, bui not if jou happen to want anything in the liue of Ar(istV Supplie», Plcture Franie* or enlarged p>rtraits. thei« is but one plaee iu Honolulu, to purehaee all materia's, and that’s KLSG BROS.’ Store, for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. THE FINEST PA/NĪ!NGS IN i HAWAIl. ARE ON EXH/BI- \ T!ON IN TH/S GALLERY. The firm mikes specialty of enlar, T ing portraits as well as makframes in the very lates'. styles of raouldings. In the sheet pictures, tbey have thousmds to select from of whieh they invite an inspection at any time. IpNG BROS., HoteI Stseet, : : : Honolulu. \ nov 7tf

LAOIE&’ COLUMN. The deraaiAi for white cotton Dress Goods a'jring the last week has induced ai to continue the saleof those on mand until they are all sold. Rembmber th's means that T0C BY THE* AT JU3T WHAT they cost cs, not «ie cent more or one cent less. ain’t making any money on thesm kind of sales, but it gives us rocVn for the immense stock of n» goods that have arrived by the»“Australia.'’ We want to move ovourHosiery at our Quick,Sales anl Small ProfitPrise8, so the LADIES’ BLACK ; STOCKINGS «ill goTagiiu this week at last week’s pr«es, or the $3 per dozen ones at|$2.25 per dozen, while the |5j)er dozen ones will go at 14 per (X)zon. The same with MEN’S SOCVS: the 13 per dozen ones are now f2.25 per dozen. We also want to callSpeeiai Attention to the magnificent VVhite Cotton Embroidere»Handkerchiefs offered this weell They are not eheap ones, its thepriceof them that is eheap.

The interest aIso ine s in onr Volcano trip and i [uite evident from Iate rep that Madame Pele is making preparations to do her partlor she has been throwing up fountains of fire fifty feet high dunng the last week and every indication goes to ahow that by the tiīieyoa are ready to go she will blin her glory. | Remember and saveevery eheik ifyou do not have enough you ean give them to friends who are making up clnbs. This week is a great week for buyers. B. F. EHLEBS & Cfc.

- . - 5 290 Ring Up 2<'0 United Carriage Company, M. REIS KJ.C. QUINN

Anchor-:-Saioon . Ex “AUSTHAXIA," Another Invoice of the World Kenowned

freoericksburg € UGER BEER Smt Fmn OYSTERS. POH