Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BEACH GROVE New Sea Side, Pienie and Bathing Resort. Has beex opexed rp, andisxow rea*ly to Koei'ie visitors. The net* resortis nnder the management of Charles F. Vt«rren. The plaoe is wuhin a conT<mient distance from town, aml two minntea walk. from the Tram Cars (Bishop's switch) Tbe premises whieh will be at the disposal of patrons compnses between fonr ami fiTe acres of beantifnl grassy grounds, OTershadowed by tropicai treēs. Al»o a eomp'ete ontfit of bath roon s and bathing snits. There is a g>eat doal of romance connected with these’gronuds. It is said to be tha evact spot on tho Beach where Kamehameha the conqueror landeti with his thonsands of wamors bent upon the oonqnest of Oahu. There is a sacred pond upon the land snpplied from a Iegendary spring. For hnndred of years the natives have nsed this water for medicinal pnrposes more especially as they elaim as an effectiTe remet.lv for rh»'umatism and paratysis. Beach Grove or Kawe’iewehe was a portion of the sea side residenoe of tā>ft great chief and warrior, Kamehameha I. These new bathing and recreatiou grounds will be exclnsively for the nse of families. Ladies and children will enjoy a days outing at Beach Grove. The water is jnst deep enongh (to be eomfortable with a niee saudy heaeh. This new resort snpplies a long felt want and h sure of Uberal patronage. Charges will be extreirely moderate so as to eome within the reach of all. All throngh,the grounds there nre arbors and sjjaded bowers fnrnished with tables aud seats for tbe accommodation of those who bring along their own eatablcs. Saudwiches, cakcs, soda water and lemonade on iee may be had at the premiaes. Honoluln, Xor. 3, 1804. 2wks-dly.
XOTl€E. Darinjf my absence from tlu> Islan<]g,Mn. orack O. Crabbk is duly antborized to r eeeive and receipt for all monies dne and owiug to me J. W. LUNINO, at my office nmil November *-'3rd, 1894, at whieh date ,wi!I personally attend. J. W. LUNINO. oct I7th Im THIS 8PACE Reserved for ITOHAN.
pi EgTAĪE Hau3B and □ □lleillon Agency Ii>*ns neguti*te«l on Rbe1 EstatB and F3rsanal Frap=rty. Now is tbe time to Sst yonr propcrt_v, as tho dom*nd for home# * increasing evcrvdav. Strangers are coming "o - The Paradisē " in great nnmbers. We have #ome most 4esirable property for sale. If yon own a lot, md de5lrc to b«ild a home. we will (umish lae moner on favorabie terms. The Hawaiiaa Invs5trnent Cn., Generat Rcai Estate -\gcnl*, 13 and 15 Kaahamann $treet. C. A. LONG, Notary Public Tclep]ione 63» novS
MORGAG EES.WriCEOF 1NTENT10N T0 FORECLOSE aND OF SALE. Notiee is h«c-by £iroi th*t pursaant to a power of saie oonlaiaei in a certain mort- 1 gage iUted Sep»embcr !st, A. D. 1892. made by GEOBGE NAKUUA and MAR \F.a G£ORGE h*s wile, of Honolnhi, Ialand of | Oi.hn.to Maiie Kahai, lateof said Honolnln . dece«eed, recorded in the jffice of the Eegistrar of ConTeranoe*. in Uber 138, folioa 221- ' 2-3. J. A. Cnmmins, Aāmniatrato- with WiU annexed of the WiL of the aaīd Malie 1 Kahai, deoeaaed, intecds to foredose aaid ] mortgage for & breach of tbe eonditions hi - aaid mortgsge contained to wit: the non- 1 p*yment of both the pmeipal «nd intcrest i when dne. ’
Xotice is *lso heiebv pr«a th*t all *ad suigal«r thc Und*, te&«meu* «&d berediUmecta in said mort£a£e iwt«imiJ «w/t •cribed, will be «M it Ublk Aoehon. tt the Anet ; ou room oi Le*is J. on Qaee& Stnet, in mid Hon<in'j{on WEOXESDAT, the 14 D*£ uf XOTEliBEK 18M, u 12 o’eiaek noon of said dae. The property in uU mortgage » thos de»cnbed, ri* ; That oemia peee ol kcd sitn«te in P«n°*7 Honolnk, mioneaud, «sd iko Uut ceruuj P*eee ol knd «ūaau et Anwaiolmm, Honolnln «loieawA, deambed in Bor»! P*t«t i:S9. L*nd Coaiau.-e»ou A«wd 3l54 to al*kaionIa,conr«Ted lo 7wuh opio br rauanu hk f*tber, by ked neorded m Lib«r 30 S9S-7. »adbrmid Ueeaaaopio to Qec«rgeKakiwa by deād teoerded ia Libet 13« p. 3t>7—S. T«nn oahin U.8. GoldCcto. Deeds at 4I P«»e of pnrchaaer. For forther poUeala», apriy K. Kaulia and E«h ka the A<isūnistrator «ith the W3I aaaexēd of ihe Wili <4 Mali« Kahai, ēeomeo, MortJ. A. CTiDUXS. Adsuni8tzator vith the Will anaexed of ihe Will of Malie r«»»«i ihm wil. MortD»tod Hoaoialo, OeL 94, liW. 3»ka-d!y. t n i il