Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

JUST ARRIVED. ; ; n & 4 BABY - CARBIAGE$; 0F AUL STTLES, IS T1IE LATEST PATTEivNS. “iHOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES £IiND SEWINO MaCH1X£S, i3TAU Wikh th« L«t«st lmpi\>*«m<«iita'VJ PAKLOK Jraans, Gruitaiv And Other Mnsio*l Instmo;rQ . VVines, Liquois, Bcer ALWAI8 OS HASD.JAXD FOR SALR BY 60. HOFFSCHLiEGER 1 C0. Kin* St.. oppo. C*stl« A Cook«N Criterlon, Saloon ! NOTICE is herebv given, that all claims against tho Ciri.terIoii Saloon* will be settled by Jas. F. Morgan, and all outstanding accouuts ilue the CriterioN Saloon an.l the jobbing houso of L. H. Dee up to the abovo dato. are payable to Mr. L. IF. Dee. All bills againat L. H. Dir, please preaent immediute)r for payment. L. H. DEE. Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1891. oolO 3m AHULUI, MAUl. Sa(« Si((q, PKOPUIEĪOK. sepl 7-tf THOS. LINDSAY 208 Merchant Street Honolulu New 8tore, new Jeu'dry *<■ l Silvcr and Diam‘>h : . Jewelry Maaufacture to onier. Watches cleaued and rej>aire‘i. iu ?.nd mspect.^f se4-lf. VIHQ-!-F/T-:-CH^N —: FUR*mjRE DEAL£RS. eg to in/onn th« pnNlie ttiii’ tL«v openeU » Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuaau Sv Wbere U»ey txrry » eompieU llDC BEDK<X>M 8ET8, CHAIRS, tarles, wardrobes. 8TA>*DS, Etc.. Etc , E' tr*K«pai»d aad G*a<nl »* 8«a«on*blF Kaln. VING FAT eUAN’. \^* c, ° , 7.eorner o£ Kin« āoU EeiL? i sept 6-3ms MACHINE MADE £l POI! ; ; KALlUL Taro Planta. Preah T»ro »t all Lp Mutual W. L. Beii