Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
290 Ring Up 290 United I Carriage Company, |m. reis kj.c. ouinn LEWI8 J. LEVET. Real Estate and General Auctioneer. Cora«r Fort «nd Qaecn Streeta, Honolula | Personai attention given to Sales of Furnilnre, Real Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. Mnta»] Ti'JetJK>oe ‘23S POUXD MASTER*S XOTICE. Xotiee is hereby giren to all persons th*t there *re at the Gortmment FounJ »t Makiki three strayetl horses: 1 white m&re bran»l indiseribable. 1 red stallion branded P on Ihe le(t hind leg white spot on the back. 1 red st*llion branded FF on the right hind lag white spot on forehead *ud *U feet aie white. , Any person or persons owning these *nimals are reqneete<.l to eome and t*ke the $*me on or befote the dsy of sale 1'2 o'eloek noon SATURDAV, Nor. 3. WM. KAAPA, Ponnd M*ster. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” Another Iavoice of the World Renowned FREDERICKSBURG UGERBEER On drlught and by the keg. Allo, as a Specialty, Small}Fresh California \ystērs, FOH CQCKTA1LS mayl 3ms LEW1S\ & C0.. Wholeaale snd Fetail Groceries AND PR0V1S10N DEALERS. FRESH CALIFORNIA EALMON ON ICE 1 By Erery 8*a 8te*mer. Salt Salmon IN BaRREL3 a Spe«altt. iii Fort St., Honolulu. J Tel . 240, P» O. Box 29 J •I A Complete L, oii Hunting Oūtfit. I One lriah Setter bitch I th< best b!ood in Araerica; red stered iu the A. k. b> B. id<1| pnrtlj broken. One Pointer bitch by th\ eelebrmted Qleubeigh that*coet\!100C in Eogland. Ooe Pnp five weeka old [\ ther aod mother thorooghbreeds. \ Ooe Backboard bai]tesp«aikily I for hanting porposes. One 12 gaoge L. C. SoT.tb {*m «a good as new and m fioe oraeP, Tbe above ootfit will be sold eheap Enquire of W. H. CUNNiNGHAM. Anchor Saloon. sopl9-tf Y£E CHAN, OKALEa lt f{eo Fii}0 {{ood$ Ftne Taiiorin; Fine Ohineae aod Japanese Haodkerchi< L Noa. 3lto33 Nuuano 91. Honoluiu, P.O. Box 253. jy5