Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
i Septend)er 17, 1894. If we remembXr correctly the “Charleston” was Jthe first of the j “White Sqoadron I to visit Hono- * luln. Her arriva| on her second | cruise is stili the minds of people who were here on Janoaiy 29, 1891. W'hen with fisgs at half-mast and yards cock-bnilt ; she entered port the body iof King Kalakana, the kind atteutions shown bv tne officers to *( # • the King during the voyage to the United States and the, almost sacred m.inner in whieh the body was gnarded while being 5 borne to the Islands, endvared ’ the “Charleston” to thex>eople ) of Hawaii. As mueh as it Vas in i the power of tbe people,Vueir ’ api>reciation wjs shown the . officers daring their stay Und ‘ when sailed they left gravea on - tablets of love and mecnory,eridences of their Aloha for Ha- ■ wau. Few, if any, of the officers j who were here then are ou the ' vessel now: some have reached r | ? the age of retirement and others 1 have gone to other vessels but ; the Charlestou is still green in j the heart of the Hawaiians. * Have yon ever used a Pansy r Stove? We have lbeen selling 3 them for fonr or five years and 3 to-day they wear the “Yellow j Coat’' in the empire of stoves. ■ They are recognized by every one, even dealers in other stoves, * as a snperior articde and one whieh tbey do not care to run np . against. Of course stovos may j be bought from people who are 1 not dealers. W r e have people running here every day or two for fire bricks and parts belonging to stoves they have bought from otber parties, and when they find they cannot get them * they discard their stoves aud f buy a “Pansy.” You see there i is a disadvantage in buying dear ‘ things at low prioes. Come to * us and get a Pansy at 815 00 and f you get full value your raoL ‘ ney. You don’t get a 175.00 t range for fifteen dollars, mind you, but you get a first class 1 stove that is worth Thirty dollars to any one Our Ready Mited Paints are suited to the wants of people who : bave a little painting tbey want to do themselves. The advantage 5n bnying a prepared paint is that you have the benefit of the best mixors in tbe United States withont having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use L directly you take the top off the ean and if yon don’t find it eheap- * er and better than any you ean j tflix yourself we are mistaken in our experience' In California the painters are using the prepared t article in preference to buying lead aud oils because tbey find it to their advantage to do so. We - believe it is only a question of time when the painters here will fall into line. Hanging lampa are in as groat demand now as ever. People ‘ seem to want someihing for light- * ing purposes that will give as f good light as the sun—they find 1 it in the lamps we are giving a- . way. Onr eheap stand lamps are ' an excellent thing for a servants 1 room and will find a ready sale * in the Island stores. We ean t snpply any demand. for a single } lamporfora thousand. There's lota of Hawaiians [ whoae Kuleanaa need fencing and we have Uie wire with whieh i to do it. We havealso the ma- . terial for building a fence that * wiil last uctil long aftor the mil- * lenium. lnstead of paying a ’ high piiee for posts, or even get- | ting them for ihe cuttmg, your r fence will cost you less money if | yoo buy atoel stays and washers I &nd make a Jones Looked fence. t We hare evarytbicg you want in the bardware and hoose fur- | nisbing goods Lne yoa wish.( ) And we eooii investigation as to their qaality andj prioes. m Hmiia Hoinn Ct> JNO<*8ta*