Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — An Ominous Silence. [ARTICLE]
An Ominous Silence.
We h*ve for s»;veral dayscalled aUeniion to the proposed scheme of a couple’of would-be financiers to f<>rm a protective ass>ciation 1 f>.»r the mueh injure«i planters and we noliee »itb pleasare tbat I silence reigns in the organs of the priveleged class. That doesn t speak very well for the purity of the svitl immaculate associatioQ. The pious, descon who is one of the leading j)romoters of the scheme gaxe « hoarse grunt in the Star injwhich he denied all and every allega- | tions and Aaimed that there is no trust. never was one au»ljnever will be one. Ihe whole thing was a base fabrication of tbe Holoxi a and sbould not deserve any attention. We eaa veiy well onderst)ind the reasoiis for such an attitude aud for the pronounced secrecy whi«h hereiofore has been observed. We a!so appreciate the disagreeable predicament in whieh tbe promoters found tbemselves when they learne»I that tho original agreement was iu the Holo Ml A othce and that the outraged small st»)ckbolders an»! the Ame - j rioau Union Party wouU leam the troatmeut otfered to tbem by the blatherskites who with their fat paws applauded the anti-trust j>latform ,of tbe A. U. P. while tbey were stabbing their polilieal allies in tha back with a trust agreement whieh beats anything ou record in modern history. The eonlinue»! ailenee a»lmits tho gnilt of the promoters. They neither dare present their prograrame to tbe country or to throwdowu tbe gauutlet of defifcce to !Sj>reckels. Cowardly and faiutly do they try to shield themselves agaiust tbe wrath whieh will burst fortb here and in Sau Francisco us soou as their scheme is fully kuown. Tbe corrnj>tion fuud whieh they hoj>e to have on haud beforo 1897 will hardly be large enough to euuble tbem to figbt Sprecsels and mauipulate Cougress and tbe Hawaiian governmeut at the same time. Some of the promoters may be exj>erts in bribing kanaka legislators and creatiug votes of want of coufi»lence tosuit them . Tbey may yet leam that the now task undertakiug by them is not as easy as jit is to jump plantntion3 or increaso our blue eye»l population. The present orainous silence ot tbo trust meaus guilty consciences of iu regard to a scheme tbat bears no investigation.