Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Golden Rule Bazaar, * Depot for NEWSPaPERS PERIODICALS by every incomiog steamer. Sobscriptions Payable in Adrance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. This Maehine is the King of all. On it yoo ean make a Lookstitch, Chain-stitch. Embroideiy, Jt5utton-holes, Ruffles. Tucks. Gnitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croquet. Stationerv aml Blank Books at SX5T Cash Pbices. ,355 Hand Sewing Machines from eight dollars and a half up. [jy27 WE INA’IIE ALL SMOKER< To eall and insj>ect oar %ite importation o{ the ceiebn»te<i G. B. D. pij>e3, cigars and citra~tte ho!de~. e. ee. • . ■■ ■— ■ - ■■ . i T. H. Dayies & Co., Hiī Fresh Feed and Fiour From WASHiNGTON. i on Flour, Oats, Barley, Middlings, Bran, PER “ \VARIM00 ” Jost to Hand. New DryiGoods Crockery, Hardware, Qroceries, To IInnd. s roa Baiiey Honoiuiu Made Wire Woven Matresses ana Hammoeka ij2i