Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal ’ & Co, HAVE MOVED TO Morgan‘s - Auctlon - Rooms tor » sbort time. W«w«tBlMlBac Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KTNDLING WOOD i& *ny quntitT. BoUk TeI«piion« 414 * n0 Pioneer Shlrt Factory 1&?TABLLSHED A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 513 Fort S»-, Honoluln, {CpsUirs) Good Fit COXSOLIDATED SODA WATF.R CO. (LnnrrBD.) E8PLAN A D E; Cor. Alleu *ud FortSt». ; s Houolulu H0LL1STEK & C0., Ac«uta. V The White House! 118 Nuuauu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS •u Fii'jt-cla?? j4ouge ĪN' EVERY EESPECT. Sooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per Veet> \ or 50c. jer Day. PA4UL LEilKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell Te|?nhone 132. au£ 22 10TICE TO Tisitors, Ppio Parties. lnans 1and—genera\ PUBLIC1 1 At SstlTH’s Bus »;d Livery Stable, Kino [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in Tot4di you ean l Busses, Wagonetie8, Buggiel and Sadc. Horses. It will pay you to|call and se before you try elsewhere, Mutual 408 ,353 augl-tf Eyc., Coroer Kiue utd AUkM Sreeu. K By Er«>rj 3teamer from San eueo, with Fresh Fruit, Oysfen Sa/mon, PoJttry, Etc. Etc., Etc., »c.J •ent 6. H-L,. lee sung ke 49 KING STREET, U OEALEH EN- GLASSJ5J£ 7 jylS-ly
NOTICEDoring my ahaenee £rom the coontry a£ter ihe departnre of the for China Chin Dook will haye full charge of my busin©88 and aflairs generaUy. WaUokn, Sepi 24,1894 Ah Chew
WA^iīTED. Aa Housekeeper or nnrse by nu «» j«wt from the U.b. wiii lea** iaUuxd to nu»e. Inooiio at Holohua Orucs. oet8 3u4