Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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13T IXSUPtANCF;^ FIRE AND MAPINE THE CNDKRSIGXED IS AUTHOEIZED T0 TAKE KIEE and MaEINE RISKS 0S Uuildinixs, Merchandiso, Fiulls» Car<roes, hVeiQ:hts and Commissions At Current Butos, in tlie Following Cos. xamely: BOYAL L\SURAXCE COMPA\Y, LIVERPOOL, \LLIA\CE ASSURAXCE FIRE & MAEINE, LONDON, WILHELMA 0F MADGEBURG GENER\L 1\SURANCE C0. « SUK IKSURAKCE C0MPAKV, SAK FRAKCISCO. .1. S. WAI ,KEH, £AF“A2ent for the Hawaiian Islands. Robinson Block, Hotel >7., helieeen Fort and Nunanu, Have Just Receivtd, j cr Lale Airivals, tbe I aigefct Stock of FUE K1TURE Ever lmpOrted to this Country, Comprising Hn dsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solid Oak, andof the LA TESl DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTEKTIOK IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICKER WARE, Beautifnl Designs of Wic4er Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1RS, BOCKERS, etc.,vou ean get tbese in any FIKTSH you desire. CHAIRS, Couutless uumbers of CHAIRS, in every style, including 0FF1CE and H1GH CHAIRS. es:teitsioit We bave had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS to match. AVe have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R00M FURNITURE EVER SEEK HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers o-DIVA]VS.^ Divans covered with PORTIERS are becoming quite the rage in plaee of LOUKGES—we manufacture tiiem to order, and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to solect from. BEDD.I1TGGreat Assortment of WOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to onler. LIVE GEESK FEATHEES and SILK FLOSS for Pillows. CRIBS, CEADLES, etc. WIKDOW SHADES of all colors and sizes. C0RNICE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. k b:p-a. Mattresses, Lonnges aud all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at rea>onable rates. CABINET MAKIKO, in all its branches, by Competent Workmen. MATTIKG LA1D and Interior Decorating under the1Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First Clas.s, and our prices aro the lowest Come aud be convineed —a trial is solicited. Bcll 525. telephoxes: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY «k PORTER, Robinson Block, between Fort and Knuanu Telephoxes; Bell 351 Mutual 417 Hesidkxce; Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 K B. THOMAS, C0NTRAGT0R and BU1LDER Illstiraates Griven 011 All Ivinds OP All Kiads of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Actended to.

KEEPS FOR SALE: BricK, Lime, Cement, Iron S4one Pipe and Fittings, 01d & New Corrugated Iron, MintonjTiiee, Qaarry Til«e, «saorted siaes &nd eoion; C&Ii{ornia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and BIocks, etc.. etc. 1Comer Kinf <ft Smith Sta. Office Houra, b to xa 11., M0 4 P M.