Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Haw^h^n Op E fVvHoJsE L. J. LEVEY Leā^ee W. R. DAILEY.. Macager Second Season of Dailey St(X'k Co..

andcr the penaoaal direction of W. R Dail£t.

r OurLast Week I Tuesday Evening. Nov. 6,1894. f the celebiated co3Qedr dwaaa by i Staart Ribaon, ‘ HENHIEH’il, i' I Tlmrsday Evening, Nov. 8.1894. , HSLD BY THS ENSMY. I -1 Sattirday Maūnee, at 2 p. m. and Satui’day Evening, Nov. 10. 1894, C»rand ?j>ect Pr»duction Ci N DERELLA. SECURE SEATS EARLY! i Doors o|>en at 7:30, Curtain wi!l rise at 8 e’eloek prompt. se2’2 td il LA0IE8’ C0LUMN. Tbe detnand for white cotton Dress Goods during the last wee has induced ns to eonlinue the sale of those on hand nntil they are a11 sold. Kemember th:s mears that YOU BY THKM AT JCST WHAT they cost rs, not one cent more or one cent less. We ain’t making any money on theso kind of sa!es, but it gives us room for the immense stock o? new goods that havearrived by the “Australia.” We want to move of our Hosiery at our Quick Sales and Small Prolit Prig»s, so the LADIES’ BLACK STOCKIXQS will go again this week at last week’s prices, or the #3 per dozen ones at 1*3.per do?en, while the |5per dozen ones will go at 14 per dozen. The same with MEN’S S0CKS: the 13 per dozen ones are now 12.25 per doaen. We also want to eall Spe--eiai Attention to the White Cotton E*mbroideretlHandI kerchiefs offered this week. They are not eheap ones, ita thepriceof ihem tbat ia eheap. The interest a!eo incroases in oor Volcano trip and it is quite evident from late reports that Madame Pele 5s making greatpreparations to do her part for she j has been tbrowing up fountaiae offirefifty feet high during tn last week and every indīcatio goes to sbow that by the timeyo Q are ready to go she will be in her glory. Remember and saveever3* ehaik if you do not have enough you ean give Ihem to friends who are making up c!ubs. Tbis week i? a groat week for boyers. B. F. EHLEBS & C0. A]inei<a! Water. An lnTotcc of tte Cehrbnt««l SHA ST A WAT E R jasi dln*ct fraa> tbe Spnagt in OnUloni*. ••SHA3TA” tbf Sae*t Wikr Lb tb« It b aed la tftrt hadīnj; bot«i mmI n iO tbe mI«aT diatag c*n ta tb* 17ai’.«d Satn. snASTA” i*tbe Qa«n *f*U ntm; ble*d* pertrctlj *Hb bqaor ol all khaU. *a4 » * auaul rriit i 6» *U dtaonkn <d tb< «o«*cb Uda*j» «ad isrrrj ** aie br aS 3Hl'tMilST8'"kai Qw IKAOE GE>EBALLT MacfaHa»e & Co. Ltd., 9o*r kjTMifor Um Bk*iiiui lthu *i J 5(Ofl(’E. ■»y*h*ww* bom ihiUaaek.lU. «wmwO.Ou»» I» daljra&«bimmi to! imhv« ud fmt*aUot *B uowee d*e aad f h w J. ». LUXI3tG, at aj odBc* "rtlp!roiaS2md l ” , * atWto * *“* 1 * i. w. Lrscso otol7tb Jsa ’ H»B IALE ruxnt toM»bj IV I -a U