Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 November 1894 — Chinese Celebrate. [ARTICLE]

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Chinese Celebrate.

* ~~ i riie C binese citizens in this tou are not to be oat-Jown. They have haif a dozen bolidays * i a yea r, but uevertheless they * thoag ht they ougbt to have ani other, a s an offsot to tbe Japanose celeb ration of their Mikado’s birthday. C onseqaentl}’ the ( wiso hea ds atuong our Mongolian , friends r'* membered that today is > tho sixty s ecoud anuiversary of the dowag er Empress, and feariug that the picture of the old t lady might not appeai in the Advertise - t omorrow morning,i > i next to B olte’s and other proChinese ge ntlemen, they decided ; to advertise the festive occasion. i * Flags are fly ing from every Chi. ! • nese storo and booth. Over $2000 t ha.ve been speni by the patriotic * citiaens in the placing of flag- | staffs, purchasing of flags. distri-i bution of sarashoo and burning | of firewofks Tho J»ational Land played this £afternoon and will again toll forth in honor of the 1 dowager Empress from 6 to 10 o’oloek tonight. The Chineso. have taken a day ofl’ and we hopo that they wil!enjoy their celebra-1 tion in that proper spirit of poaee, and good nature whieh, always should prevade the Paradise of the Paeific. J * A haek frtm a King Street stand was feeling full of Cbinese' j patriotism. Tbe borse at least ; ran away half-a-dozen times tbis morning and soriously endangered vehicles and foot passengers. Where was the poliee. ’ | Miss Strain who died so sud denly lael Sanday was bnried in the Paty vanlt at Nuuann Cemetary yesterday. The remains will I probab!y be send to her family in California after advices bave been | received. ■ ■■ —■ i«i ■ Mr. B. Freimann intonds to | start a new hotel in Hilo. Sev-, | oral travellers say thai the preaeut hotel is good enough but it is bolieved that Mr. Friemaoni could make a greai success if be would establish a resort at the u r» īny'* city. High - kicking ! might be prohibited. ■