Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 42, 6 Nowemapa 1894 — An Artstic Comedy. [ARTICLE]
An Artstic Comedy.
The caustic, skeptics and artistic admirtys of this city are always demapding something new or the ver\jlatest upon the Ameriean stage. Tonight are to have j a really np to date presentaiion the “Henrietta. ,, in whieh two of the greatest comedy stars known to the world have pla}-ed. The pieee ditfers widely from the eonvenUonal in plot and action, and briijgs forth very vividly the woAings of the Wall street money fci/gs, with a slight mingling of rJigion. The laughs are verv mentiful and interesting. Those M>1 our theatre goers wbo appre/ciate a roaily good play can’t afford to miss ‘Henrietta.“ l