Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAH’8 “ BLUE” LAWS C0NST1TUTI0N and I.AWS Framed by the Missionaries

LAWS ofthe HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Fur if tboy an? unahlo to rea<l, they cm neitber m*rry bands nor wives. they ean never a*'t a> Und agents nor I o cmployed in auy office over oth#rs. The parents too mo«t sutTer inconvenionce, for their lan*l« cannot b« increasc<l. <>cy ean not tish gratuitously nor take timber from the without paying for it. lt is therefore iroportant tbat parenU »h<uld con»ider this subjecl well. al»d stimulaie th«r children to learn. lt is also tho «luty of pirents to aid in supporling the teacher in such m»nntr as *»hall bo mutually agree*ble, and should do it genorously leat the governmtnt bc burdoned. The Und agents are also in Uult for witboldin« Und from Ihe teachers. Hereafter, if the general «ehool ageut apply fur Und in aeeonlanee with tbc provi.s.on of the School Lv». an«l the Und agent refus» and actually wjtbolds U, it i* a enmo for whieh he shall be dispos.sessed ard hm Und eiven to another. So a’so if tbey p*y no attention to the general «ehool agents, «8 lhey travel round to regaUt« Ihe schools. The Tax Officer are alao sometiroes in Uult. If the g<*neral aehool agent eall on him for givernmenl properiy as he is allowed to do by aehool law and the Tax Officer refusee. he sball tbeo pay his own property, heeiuae he has without cau.se wilhheld the property of the governm*nt. Tbv Uw shall be exccutcd upon him. 60 *l»o if he do noi build tf -? aehool house acoordiog U> the direciion of the general aehoo: agent. Anoiher evil is lhat tbe officers give oertiūcale of marruige to those who cannot read. Tbe officers sboold carefuUy cxamme the Uw and withold certificates from all who are ign>rant of rea«lieg.

Another krU « lhat the schoUrs in the #choo!* *re w*y. Itis the daty of t«Kher» to inalwei tbe »choUrs i« ihm parlict»Ur. and to coo»a!t «iih the eehool committoe on lb« to be par«oed. The GoTernm«ut wiU «Pjv>rt Ihe t«ftcher* and *chool eommUUe. while they do well Pm • «elwol ūof IiUle »»lu» i! *b» »choi»M fKJi»i)ra»rljr. īlM, U but one rinb« W»r, »oJ tb»t i. for tb. »cbol u . lo kindly ft»d f*ithfolly re«ftrd the instruc£iona ol Ihe teach«r. If the eehoUn. co»daet improperly lbey mm*t be punc»hi V ... V; •' ’ * w ? • «daftthe Uw i«ia>rcd.