Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
G0NSA1VES Attw»r* K«p# on HnnJ * of lbf Verr * BestPioneerSoap InCn*M oC4X. 42,»iS)mI J) B irj .„a THI3 SOAP lā IUE Fiaest Inported Hs:e. 9PEC1AL PRICE9 FOR 5 rAst > Dl LOT9, jk mm& Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WHI8KEI Samtly: BEN ALOOeiILAN. Ainsley's 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLL ,NI0X E\tra, Spoc GLENLIOX SPHCIAL LIOUELK SC0TCH WhISkEY. Iras THE COMMERCIAL 3AL00N \Harry Klemme, Managcr Cor. Nnuanu <fe Beretania sts. Honolulu, H. 1. Tbe OnIy Sportmg Hon.se in Town. O. S. a Specialit\\ LOHENOKIN LAOEK BEEE Always on Draught. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. BeH of Wines, Liquors, anei Ci*ars, ALWAYS OK HAND. iul tf C1TY DRAVAGE C0.. Stand: Queen and Fort Stree{-. White and BIack Sand. Draying Done at ReaaonabIe Udte-. W. F. 8H.VRRETT, Wanted. TW0 Unfarnishotl Honses of 6to 8 ROOMS eaeh. Enquiro of 103 Fort Sfreet. oelO M£D£IR()S i. Co. >Ier'cliant Tailors* AmeneAn, Engliah ao<i 6cotcfa Tveeda oa faaad. Fir»t-cL**.-i work gOArmnleed. Hotel St., nnder Ariiogton Hoiei I>k>-A Honelalo. ' S. I>, CKEK. 3J*nag>;r mon. I Ho /en Kee \ Co. Tin$miths and D ealers rockery, GlAssware, i - " TE “ Hots; *«*>) J . i