Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Removal Bagtace & Cg, ĪLW'E MOVED TO Morgan’s - Auctlon - Room» tor a sitort time. We *r»t5a sei'āag Departure Bay COAL ‘ CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING \VOOD in mit qoaBUtj. j Botb īelephonea 414 *o6 I—- - — I Pioneer Shirt Factory |ESTABUSHED 1SS7. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor. 515 Fort at.. Hono’.uio, (UpnUL-») Qood FU COXSOLIPATfc:D SODA WATER CO. (Lnnmio.) E8PLAN ADE: C«r. Ailen and Fort Sia. : : HonolUln H0LL1STEK & C0., ApmU. The White House! 118 Xuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANOS \ {lou^e IK EVERY EESPECT. Eoem from $150 lo $3.00 per Weelor 50c, per EayPACL LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell TeEnhone 132. aug 22 10TICE TO Visitcrs, Plenie ParGes. Lnaas —A.VD—GENERAL S PUBLIC I V * At Smith*s Bus a\d Livery » Stable, Kinq Street. [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat Market.] Is the Cheapest Plaee in īowiLou ean ge Ba»ses, Wagonetie», Buggies lnd Saddl Horses. It will pay yon to cfcl »nd se before rou try elsewhere, Mutual Telephone^08 augl-tf p^ji T M\lkE T , E T c., Corncr King and Alakea 5:rl.ts. (kamo’s-:-Refri?erotors By Erery 3U»mer from Son Frai» eieeo, with Fresh Fruit, O jsters, S3/mon, PouJt-j. Etc. Etc., Etc., Etc. •e«t«. V4-l^. 1 4LEE 8UNO KEE, 49 KDīO STSEET. axi> DEAJ.F.li IN GLAS8-l ware, Crockenr, Oml-Oil Siot«, WiM, Phjmbing m Ali lu Craaches Faith-»' Esecuted. īyl»-ly j
NOTICEDariog my absence from tbe coontr>- after the departure of tbe “Oeanie'’ for Ohina Chin Dock will bave full charge of my basinesa and afiain generally. Wailnko. Sept 34,1894 Ah Chkw WANTED. As Hoasekeeper or oarse by sperieoceii nurae jn«l from the 7.8. will īeave the Liiand to oorse. lnquire al Holomi a Orcicc, oct8 3tsd