Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
rr INSUHANCK,^ FIRE AND MAPINE the dndkrsion*ed is authobizbd T0 TAKE FIRE akd MAKINE RISKS ON Merchandise, Hulls Cars:oes ? and Commissions At Cun*ent Bates, in the Followina: Cos. I • w xamely; ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL. \LLIANCE ASSURANCS FIRE k MARINE, LONUON, WILHELMA 0F MADGKBI RG OENEKAL 1XSURANCE CO. SUN INSURANC£ COMFANY,«?AN FRANCISCO. J. S. WAI ,KER, £0* Agent for tbe Hawaiian Llands.
Hohimou īiloeh, Iloiel -St., heUeeen Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Eeeemel, yer Lete Arriva]s, tbe I arpest &tock of FUR N1TURE Ever lmpOrted to this Country, Comprising Hn dsome Carved Bedroom Sets ln Soli<l Oak, andot\Ju LATESl\DESIGNS, ESPECIAL A1TENT10X IS CALLED TO THES£ SETS: WICK.BR WARE, Beantifnl Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHA1KS, ROCKERS, , you ean get tbese in any FLNISH you clesire. CHAIRS, I Countless numbers of CHAI11S, in even’ style, including 0FF1CE anu HIGH CHAIRS. We have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAXBS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £VEIi SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers tv DI -\TA* ]NT S. -53 Divans covered with PORTIEKS are becoming quite the rage in {)lace of LOUNG£S—we manufacture them to order, aiul have a aige stock of PORTIERS to selcct from. BEDDI1TG i Great A«ortment ot WOt EN WIKE MATTKESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and raade to order i LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pillows. CRIBS, CRADLES. etc. WINDOW SHADES of all coloi*s and sizes. C0RNICE POLES, iu wood or brass trimmings. B3 B I B3 X <3-. Muttrosses, Lonnges and all Upholsterod Fnrniture repaired at reasonable rates. CABINET MAKING, in all its branches, by Competent Workmen. MATTING LAID and Iuterior Decorating under the Suuervision of Mr. GEORGE 01U)WAY. Our Goods are First Class, and our prices are the lowest Come and be convinced —a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telephokes: Mutuai 645. ORDWAY k PORTER, Robim»on Block, between Fort and Nnuaun
Telephoxks: Bt*ll 351 Mutual 417 Residexck; Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, S C0NTRAGT0R aml BUILDER Estimates Griven on AU Kinds or HHieii', UiON, ST0NB 4 WDĒN BLMGS AU Kinds of Jobbing in the Buildicg Tradc # Attcnded to. KEE1-*S EOR 8ALE; Briek, Lime, Cetnent. leon Stone Pipe Fittings, 01d £ New Cornigated Iron, MintoMTilee, Qaatrj Tiles, assorted sitee &nd colore; Cxliforni* &nd Monteiev Sand, Qranite Cnrbing and Blocks, etc. ete. „ _ .. 1 Comer King dt Smith Sts. OPFIC£ dt YARD : < Office Hours, kto 11M., ( >t04PM, .-V