Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BEDS of WOVEN WIRE! The Lttxnry OF THE I9th OtntttPy

A My»teripns *Tale. as,Tboti.T erw 5s«t how 5!s< 5wusa 5r» (Ctt»WTi, 3ow Uk Biit jp)i ia tbe cocouat; >be a.%ato *ted »u sowa. Frc« *htroce :5e a*tir« omb« fo pwiU tii' f»;r l*aj, Aad *bea ther di«d, wfierc Ui?t *!I w«|. Un 5»ppy dn»ky baod* The« £fc,-t» «rr ill mr»terioa». *aJ no «ola Uoa <rt, Aad tbfff'* otber nmtfrk> qs!to as J<rj’ whieh irt not &tbōar<] y*L . WTk> lt nu> the opiom 'rta£. fot in tis< B<lBor frer. Hr» it CB»t<xa* xea *err t>U«J. <ietcetiT«» coaid st *f’ Wb->se *oirvr lo be lbt Taani4DT Kine ol tbi¥ n«! piou» to»ni. Wh> 11 »l*rt tbe shv>w. to whcra »hAl! »t »11 piank «>« -HeeiUnl ' do»a, Wao will te Bom, »nd run the Srtn, «bo will the BackI«T bc, To do it on thc frt»co iu»n ol tbe Unai Kepohlie free? One thins we koow th»t BAILEY'S 8EIW »re m«!c of WOVEN WIRE, They eiee n» coinforx, pe»ce »nd rwt, »od axe »11 tb«; we desire; He t»ke» no p»rt tn polllio, bnt doe» the be«t be o«n, To plea»e h:s frien<K »nd «how tb»t be’« tbe WOVES WIREMAX|

WOVEN W/RE BA/LEY, Manufacturer Of WOVEN W!RE Beds, Holel Street, Honolulu, (next door to Horn s Steam Bakery.) Sold by ilil RespBctablB D5alers. aug 14-lai

L. B. KERR'S ANNOUNCEMENT! HAVE JOir RECEIVED A lak(;e a$sortment of . FINE SU1T1NGS, ELEGANT PATTEKNS, ani>;latest styles. Tbes<* goojj will be soki in any Quantity from a 100JYards Dowx to_Exough to Make A SntOLB Suit ! —AND AT—HAED THE8PairES! 1«. B. KāK-'KK. - - IMP0K1EH IQueen $uwet. »ept5-3ni PIONEER Steam CANDY Factory. 8AliERY and Ice Cream Parlors! u 1863 1834 HT PRACTICAL CX» FEC TIONEK and ORNAMENTER /« hra*eka of ik» hmnma» m» tkeu uland*. Aawneu. Taglmh, Oenaaa md Prn*fc PASTS1£S t» Or4er. BlBTH-DAf 1ND WBDD»G CABS ol Uo Vo»j Boi Mot.riol Family Graham k Fancy Bread Al»m 9« <m Bnd. ALL tOSFEC7TK05I EUkY i! Ut tw Frite» *o FACTORY AND STORE, J»<v Tt BaM Kim, 09Mtete. 1 !*•