Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HaW^U^N ’ OpE^H°^ SE ! . L. J. LEVEY... v . Lessee W. R. DAILEY.. XUnazer (Second Season of Dailev Stock Co..

aader the pers*jnal directioa of * W. R Dailkt. Our Last W'eek I Tnesday Evening. Nov. 6,1894, iho celebrated conoedr dran3i bj , Staart Robson, HENRIETTA. Thnrsday Erening. Nov. 8,1894. I KSLD 5Y THS ENSMY. Saturday Matinee. at 2 p. m. and Satnrday Evening, Nov. 10. 1894. Grand epect .cular Preduction CiNDERELLA. SECURE SEATS ĒARLY! Doors open at 7:30, Curtain will rise at 8 o’eloek prorapt. se22 td

LA0IE8’ OOLUMN. The demand for white cotton Dress Goods during the last wee has induced us to continue the sale of those on hand uutil they are nll sold. Remember th:s meaus that TOU BY THEM AT JCST WUAT , they cost us, not one cent more or one cent less. We ain’t making any money on these kind of sales, but it gives us room for the immense stock of new goods that have arrived by the “Australia.’’ We want to move ofourHosiery at our Quick Sales and Small Profit Prises,»the LADIES’ BLACK STOCKINGS will go again tbis week at last week’s prices, or the |3 per doren ones at $2.25 per dozen, while the $5per dozen onea will go at 14 per aoaen. The same with MEX’S SOCKS: the 13 per doren ones are now $2.25 per dozen. We also want to eall Speeial Attontiou to tbe magnificent W’hite Cotton Embroidered Handkerchiefs offered this week. They are not eheap ones, its the price of them that is eheap. The interest a!so increases in our Volcano trip and it is quite evident from late reports tbat Madame Pele is making greatpreparations to do her part for she has been throwing up fountai offirefiftv feet high during the last we«k and ®veiy indication ! goes to show that by the timeyon are ready to go 8he will be in*her glory. Remember and saveeveiy ehe'ik if you do not have enough yon eau give tbem to friends who are makiog np clnbs. This week is a gre*t week for boyers. B. f. £HLERS & C0. Water. Aa i*roic< of tbe Celcbrate<i SHASTA WAT E R ju#t rc»elred dirrct fr om tbe ia 8Tm«U. Uaiiiomia. •“8HASTA" u tbc 8not MloenU W«ter ia tbe wortd Jt i» BMd ia rrcrr bo»el M4 oa Uw «B*»y diitia8 «•« m tbe t'uiied SUI«e. -SHA3TA” tb« Qaeea ef <n tabie nun; P*r8cctly witb h<)»or ot Ul kind*. »rvi « Btttar»i reiiet for «U dborder* ot th* •tOMcb. kidaer* aad arrrj For Mk br aU 3RUG<,I?TS” TRADS v;ENERaLLT «acfaHane & Co. Ltd., So*c AjcraU lor tb* HawiHa* IWttad» lOTl€E. m. g hee &»Liiode.lU. G. UUIM ii dcK ttitbarind lo tor d LUIOKO. ttt 19M.iU *. W, LCXIXG. Mti:a ib >8 8ALE PLA>T» Im tbtt Awuui «n b» tad - --- - J•» tbe B eoTbMt tnrtid ii Mt li«tUtl