Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — The Theosophical Lodge. [ARTICLE]

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The Theosophical Lodge.

u • The Aloha Brancb of the Theoaophieal Society eontinaes to ,f “0€t regularly at No. 109, King i Street. Ever\' Monday a class is Bn to the puhlie. the text Qg the Oeean ot Theosobich the greatest interest ited bv’ the members of ednesd«3's are kept )phical discussions bemembers of the Brancb hursdavs, there is class 10 Doctrine.“ Tonigbt will take up the last part of chapter II of the Oeeau. I Mr. Jobn Ena gave a dinner g I yeaterday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fujii, at his residence at 6 Waikiki. ■ *Mr. D. U. Shahan who arrived in the Australia has cbarge of the 1 job department of the Hawaiian _ Gazette Co. The railroad as far as Kahuku has been aurveyed by engineer Kluegel and assistants. , t The French man-of-war will , probabh r remain here till Thursj day when she will proceed to y Chinese waters. The address of Mr. Narita at 3 the armory last 8aturday was highly praised b^ r those fortunate enough to understand it. s The St. Andrews fair will take 3 plaee on the 24th inst. Numer-i ous ladies x*e bus3* making preparations. i ! *There were numerons excnrsions to lVaikiki yesterda3*. SansSonci Ilaniwai and Long Branch were • visited during all day and night. * The Circuit Court opened its November term this morning at 9 o’eloek. Jadge Cooper presides. The asual3uamber Jof officials, law\ers, jurors and defendants were in attendance Mr. John Richardson arrived in the Claudine 3’esterday. After' his now notorions case had been > facard for three days the Sheritf-j Caar Lorrin Andrews entered a nol. pros. Mani i$ eyidently uot qnite civilized yei An employment bureau has been | started next to tbe Cbineso 1 tbeaier.Hawj.iian, Japanese and 1 Chinese working people of all L classes ean be obtained. : ■ be PIanter’s Labor and Sup- | 1 ply Compauy is in session today at tbo Cbaoiber of Commerce rooms. Comparatively few plani-' ers are in attendance. W.O. lrwin is president and C. Boltelsec-‘ retarv. -- m - Cnr “Aodrews of Maui wlll eome t> towu next week to follow up! 1 the eoin whieh he lef t s hero *n d probab!y to look onl for 1 { a — —Caare w qch. j, jl Tbe nxval oourt of ioquiiy is sitting agaio today on hoani tbe Nanshan. It is expeeted tbat the , work of the conrt will be finisked 1 todav. Mr. Doyle ia not in at- 1 tendance. - The *saga| trust ’ beld a pri-L vate raeeling kl a eertain offlce on I | Port Street previoos to the reguUr meeting of tbe planters held at 10 o’eloek. * Tbe E)ectrie light adverting at « Tracey’a »tareon Hotel Str«ets ia rerr str king and looka rery pre|ty. Otber slreela *hoold*adoptd • tbe raetaod and the slreets of Ho- i nolelu will preaent a magnifie#nt righlin kb« eveoings. Soperint i«ndent Hotfman is tbe introdu«er e 0 1 tbe ay«t«n. 4 % ■