Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iawillm €arrlage MAHWAQ7\JH)HQ C0.
BīmKBS t □EllvEiy Wagons, and CarriagESj ls attBndsd to by SkiliBd Meehaniea, mi; pricBsf or the same hava bBBn REDUCEE : tba San Francisc:o basis. 70 Queen Streetoc4 We are Oft'<evuig this ”Week, lr f V 1 ■ 9 “ i Wool Dress Groods ? Xn plaids and stripped, 35cts per yard. Aml a \\ine of plain CASHEMERE’S in all Shaded. a 500ts per yard. M. S. LEVY. oct23-tf \ Benson, Smith & Co., The Gorncr DRUG ST0RE Pure Dru[*s, Fine Perfumes, Promot A.ttention, l Low Price.Corner fort & HoteI|Sts.; aul
Empire Saloon, 0LD3, pKoPKinoK: pine Liquors. ALWA3 ON HAND. Cotnar Nua*na *od M r«l«phoae «1. Port Oilo. Boi 107 TUII RHED1E8. flvau it wUI eart „ »7 m T*m th. „ ... *•• . «Ml «n “<1 »b* YEE CHAJST, , MALia la *!“ np Fofni|hiiig $ood* Kao TuloriBK Fin* CauMM and Jap*MM Fjj I 1 *°*3 Nuoane.9i. HonoWo, PX).Bo«2» jj5