Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BEACH GROVE. 1 3 - | i i a i e & I i y : ’ r ! •; r! e i S New Sea Side, Pienie &nd Batb £esort Has bees opesed rp. asdeso* rf*dr to nas*t ▼i«tcTS. The ors rwort is nndn the mensaerwnt o( Ch*ri« F Wama. Tbe pi*ce ia «tthin a oonwn ient dicteac« fn>m to«n, aad tvo mianlo vm!k, from tbe Tnm C*rs i Būhop's rwiteh The pmiKi «hieh wiH be it the of petrons <xmpn»ae between fonr aod 6ti *ckts of bceuufn! gnasr groaud«, oror »h*doved br tr ■ pieal treea. Ako » oom pfete oo tkt ōf beth roonu and bething sni ts Th«re u a gmt deal crf romnn«e eonneele. with tbese gronnds. It is said to be Uu exact »pot on thc Beach where Kaauhame ha !be conqnerox ianded with his tboasaniL of warrio.-8 bent npon tbr eonqaest of Oaha Tbtre ia a *acred pond apon tbe land sap plied from a legendarr sj‘ring. For hnnd red gT years tae natires hare nsed thū water for medicinal parpose» more e»pecial lj as ther elaim a» an rffecttre retce<JT foi rh<=umatism and pan'jris. Beacb Gror« or Kawehewehe «as a ponion of the se* side residence of that great ehiel and war rior, Kamehameha I. Tb«ae new bathin> &nd recreation groands will be eic'nsiveli for the aae of (amiliM. Ladtea and childrex will enjOT a dsy» onting at Beach Grove The water i» jast deep enough {to be eom fortable with a nioe s*ndy beach. This nea resort sappiies a long felt want and i« snn of liberal patronage. Charges will be ex treme!y moderate so as U> eome within th< reach ofalL All throngh the gronnds then are arbors and shaded bowers lamiahee with Ubles and seate for the accotnmoda tion of those who bring along lheir own eat ables. Sandwiohes, cakes, sod* water and lemon ade oa iee mav be had at the promises. Honolnln, Xor. 5, 1SW. 2wks-dly.

] Fii$fc [īiPeaii ol » the Jlawaiiaq l£lands i IN PROBATE. Iu Uie mutter of the Est*te of IIknhi G. McGkew late of Honolaln, Oaha deceaaed, , intesUte. s Os Reidi>g and Filing the Petiton ol Alphon«ine McGkew of S*n Fr*ncisco, Cal. t alleging that Henki G. McGhew of Honolulu died intesUte at on the 22 day of 3 October, A. D. 1S!M. and praying that Lettera of Administration issae to Joseph O. Cabtbr 1 Sr. T It 13 ordered that Friday the 23 day of Xorember, A. D. 18tM, at 10 o'eloek a.m’, be 5 and Uereby is appointed for hearing said Petition, in the Court Room of the Court, at Honolulu, at whieh timc and plaee all per2 sons concerned may appear and show cause, if any they have, why said Petiton should not . be grauted. I Date Honolulu, H. I. Oct. 24, A. D. 18SM. 1 By the Court, Geukoe Llcas, Clerk. oct28-tf pi Egīl[TE Hūuse REnting anei Collection AgBncy !oans negotiated ou > Real Estate and PErsonal Property, ’ Now ls the time to Iist your propcrty, as thc deroand for homes is increasing evervday. Strangers are coraing to *' The Paradisē " īn i great numbcre. We have some moat desirable property for sale. If you own a lot, and dc«ire to bsild a home, we will iurnish the money on favorable terms. Tha Hawaiian InvBstmBixt Cq., Gencral Real Fstate Agchts, 13 and 15 Kaahumann street. C. A. LONG, NoUry Public Telephone 689 nov3 MORGAGEESNOTICEOFINTENTION TO FORECLOSE AND OF SALE. Nolioe ia hereby given that pursuant to power of sale contained in a certain mor gage dated September lst, A. D. 1892, mad by GEORGE NAKIAUA and MAEAE. GEORGE his wife, of Honoluln, īsiard e Oahn, to Malie Kahai, late of said Ilonoluli deceased, recorded in the office of the Regis trar of Conveyances, in Liber 138, folios 221 2-3. J. A. Cnmmins, Adminiatrator witl WiU annexed of the Will of the said Mali Kahai, deoeased, intends to foreclose aaii mortgage for a breach of the conditions ii said mortgage oontainetl to wit: the non payment of both the pnueip&l and interes when dne. Nohee is alao hereby given that aU am singular the lands, tenements and herediu menta in said mortgage ooatained and de scribed, wiU be aold at Pnhlie Auelion, a tbe Auelion room of Lewia J. Levey, oi Queen Street, in said Honolu’u jon WEDNESDAY, the 14 DAT of NOVEMBER A. D. 1894, at 12 o'eloek noon of aaid da The property in said mortgmge ia thi described, via: That certaxn pieee of land situate in Pai oa, Honolulu, aforeaaid. and alao that ee Uin pieee of land aituat« at .‘uwaiohmi Honoluln aforasaid, describad in Boyi Patent 1789, Land Commiasion Award 3U to Makaionlu, conveyed tc Umauma opio b Umanma his father, by deed reoorded i Liber 30 (p. 298-7, and by said Umauma opi to George Nakiaua b/ dēed recorded in Lib< 136 p. 307-8. Term eaah in U. S. GoId Coin. Deeds i «xpeuse of purchaser. For further partieaLars, apply to Ja> K. KanUa and Enoeh Johnsoo. Attorney for the Administrator with ihe Wiil annaxe of the WUl of Malie deceaaed, Morl 8*8**- , . . J. A. CUMMEiS. Adminiatrntor with tho Wili annexed o i th WiU c£ Malia Kahai, deoaaned, Mort Dat®d Honoluln. Oct. 34, 1894. 3wks-dly. —: FURNUURE DEAL£RS. eg to icform the puhlie that they havt opeāed a Braach Store tX No. 322, Nmmn St i I Wher« they carty a eonpkii Oae of 8EDKOOM 8ETS, CHAIK8. TABLSS, WA£DRQB£8. 8TAND«?, £tc , EU., Eie. rmutmK^iN4«4 i Factory. VING FAT CHAN, sept 6-3m*