Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 Nowemapa 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I Berlin, Oct. 26. It is rnmored 1 that Cbancellor Caprivi has tend- , ered his resignation and it bas been accepted. • Berlin, Oct. 26. The Cologne Gazetle says it is reported Count Botho Zu Eulenberg. President of the Prussian Council of Ministers, has also resigned. The report is not confirmed. Calcntta, Oct. 26. News bas been received a Simla, dated Oct 20th, from Cabul, tbat the Ameer of Afghanistan was attending to business as usual. Washington, Oct. 26. The President has granted fortber respite, until November 23rd next, to Thomas St. CIair, eonvicted m Culifornia of murder on the high seas. Harry Livingston is an incorrigible punster. He remarked yesterday to a groop of polilieians that it was not strange King Claos Spreckels is fighting the protective taritl’on foreign sugars, in as mueh as he has been “raising eane” in Hawaii foryeārs! San Francisco, Oct 26. The military coort of inquiry appoinled to investigato the actions of the volunteer troops at Sacramento doring the reoent strike ! has filed a report censuring general Dimoud and otber officers. Tbe following is tbe final paragraph of the report: “ There appears to ?lave been a great hek of foresight and premeditation, events seem to have been tbe result of ehanee, and tbere was an absence of that energetic aoiion and efficient eoopeiaiion whieh have ever cbaractensed the true soldier and the soccessful General. M