Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
290 Ring Up 290 ' United Carriage | Company, M. REIS i’J.C QUINN LEWIS J. LEVET, He:il Estate aiul (lenenil Auctioneer. Comer Fort uJ Qaeca Hcc Juh» Person«l attention giren to Sale« of Farniltm.*, Real Estate. Stock anvl General MercbandLse. MTSta*l Ti’J«okoae P0UXD MASTER*S N0TICR Notic* i* beieby giv«a u> ail p*non» th*t ihere ire «t Um tfOT>rc»»r.t Ponn.! >t Mikiki thnv honu* - l iuai« Lncd ta.! *cnU»bi» 1 red sUlli.>c bnu>d»d P on tb» left lund U'g whito *pot on Um hnek 1 red brmdcd FF o«s tb<> right hind btg while *)x>t on forehe«d «nd *tl (cet are whiM. Any p«noa or persoos animal* ar» roqa<*t<>d to eome and tak» th<> Muue on cr heloae thr d»y of $*]« U o okx k noon 6ATCRDAY, y 0 T. 3 WM. KAAPA,V l’onud j * 1 Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA. ’ Another Invoice of the World Henowueii FREOERICKSBURG L4GER BEER On draoght and by the keg. Alao, as a Specialty, Small Frlsh Cauforhia \ 0YSTERS, FOH COCKTAlLS mayl 3me LEWIS & C0.. | Whoieoale snd Retail 6rocertes kSV PROVISION DEALERS.
FRESH CAL1F0RN1A SALMON ON IC£ Bt Evi-rr 8an Prknci<w» St«*ia«r. Salt Sai.mon IX Bakkei_s A 8peualtt. /// Fvr( Sl. , Honolulu. Tel. 240, P* O. Box *v7.
A Complete Hunting Outflt. Oq« Irish Setter bitch of tbe be*t bk>od io Ameno; reg>sUrc<l io tbe A. K. S. B. «dU partljr brokeo. 0n« Poioter bitch b/ th« eelebr*ted Glenb«igh th»t coet 1)000 īo £oglftod. Oa« Pop five we«ke oid fstb«r aod ootber thoroogbbreed*. Ooe Backboerd baittespe«>iftilj for hoofciBg parpoees. Ooe 12 g«og« L. C. Sm th goo m good u oew ftod to Sa« order. Tb« ftbove oatSt wiii be aokl eheap Eoqoire oI W. H. CUMNIN6HAM. Aaehor Selooa.