Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BRUCE |CARTWRICHT of > x«tsn Promp< to the ataBagaiaetn o! uUl«v p*. miu, ■'r j Ojnces, : Cūjixcright Building, M«rcfcifit Sur*t. Hoaohiln H. m4.Y & Co., ‘|Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AM) Tovision Merchants 98jFort Street, - Honolulu Families, PIautations and Ships supplied with choicest ; Kuropean & American Groceries California Produce by Evety Steamer. AXercL.ant Exchange Corner King ana Nunanu StreeU. S. I. SHA\V....Proprietor. Tbe Finest se!ection of LIQUORS and i BERR, sold an3nrhere in the town. First-clasa att»>ndance. C«ll and judge foryour8elf. no H3-tf. plaiional Inon Wop^ QD£EX Street, Between Alakea &, Bicbard Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to make «11 kinds of Iron Bns<i. Broaze, Zinc. Tin and Lead C*stmg», ALu General Repair Shop for Steam Enpnee, Rice Corn Mills, Water Wheela, Wind Mills, etc. Maehinea for the Cleaning ol Coffec, Castor Oils,;Reans, llamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves ī other Fibrous Plants, And Faper Stock Alao Maehinea for £xtracting Starch fron the Manioe, Arrow Eoot, etc. ty AU Ordera promptly attended to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. Por S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMAEINOS KeiW^epa^oi Contain a FuII Supply of lee Houso, such as Frozon Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Sahnon, Canliflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaehea, Apricots Mectarines, Japanose PIums Tokay Grapes, German Pruues Crawford Peaehea, Silver Prones Rose Peru Grapes, Bartiett Pears» Sikle Pears, Ete, Califorma Fruit Market. Mutual m 378 CAUFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mein«rnj Block. JOBBKBS OF WINE8, anei