Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

H\W\I1 HOLOMUA 18 I’CBLI8HED Kverv -AJ’ternoon EXCEPT SCXDAY BY THB Holomu& Publishing Co At King St (Thoma8 blook). Honolala, H. I. SUESCSIPTION, per 50 The p«per u d«liTered hj Cani«ni in th< u,«rn &ua «oburbt. Binsl« Copiea (or •t Uie New» Uealen nnd tt tLe (XBce o pal healion. EOUUHO NORRIE, - • Editoi P, M. R00NEY, - - Manage/ NOTICE. All Buhine«i Communlcations shonld be *(. iros*«xl to P. M. t BOONEY, Honoinle, H. I. < omMponeienee and OommnnieaUona ioi pnhlimUon »bonld be addrewied to th« £ditoi iUwaii Holomua. No nouee will be p«id to uuy anonymoQB eoiumauoUiooa. 6usiness Cards VOLK£Y V. ASHFOIU). Atiorney and Counselor at Law, Oliiee, Site of the 01d Uethel — West Corner of Kiug and Bethel Streets. jy2l A. P. PETEKSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Offioo: 113 Kaahumann S*reet, Houolnlu llawaiian Islands. CHAKLES CKEIGHTON,| ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee: 113 Kaahumanu 8troet, Honolnlu Hawaiian I«land*. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEA' at law. 314 Merchaut Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTOKNEY AND OOUN8ELLOK AT LAW. Offlce. 01d Capitol Bnilding, (Honolnln Hale), adioiuing Post Offlce, Honolulu4 A. KOSA, ATTORNET AT LAW, No. l r > Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN. CONTILACTOR AND BCILDER.| 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. CONTHACTOB axr> EUHOEK, No. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian lslands. Wm. FOSTER, ATORNEY-AT-LAW. 42 Merchant Street. Oct llth. A, G CORKKA, JjrATTORSEY AT LAW,jH 307 Morchant Slreet, Houolulu. jj20 Fernandes & Gomes WHOLE8ALE California Wlnea and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St., Honoluiu, H. *P 0. Box 436, Muiual Teie. U b»« emw compa.\ r, 335 Both Tklephone8 Haek BUnd, Corner Haunakea SireeU. Hours. BAM YEE HO No. 552 King 8treet, Oahlomia aud Hawaii Yegetab!eg, Qoa Tea aad Gmund Cotfee, l aud at AH jy27