Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
B. BERGERSEN Armt F5ING-ER SEWING MAOHINE COMFY. All KimLs of Neetlles for Sale and Repairing I)one. Damon’s Block Bethel Street, H<tnolulu. P. 0. Box 440. jy21 Long Branch -0ATKWGEstablishment. This First-Class Bat!iing ReSort has l>een enlarged and is now open to the puhlie. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath. and there is no better ulaee to Iay ofl. Sj>ecial accoramodations for La - dies. Tramcars pass the door every half hour, and on Snturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprielor. lo\/eJoy &CQ. wiije \ Liquor ūealei? 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall' your attention to Our S}>ecial Brand?* Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. . ; Frederioksburg Beer au2 in casks or bottles ( CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAJRnJu±GrJ£S 9 . AT ALL HOl'RS. doth Teiephones No. 113. J, S. ANDRADE, Manager }une 15-tf.
VlHQ-!-F/T.i-CHAH —: fUK*nuR[ DEALĒRS. «* to inionn U* pmWk Uut lh*y h*vt opeoed • Bnnch Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St, Wh«f« lbey c*rry • compl«tc Uae oT heokoom srre, cauRg. T.VBUSC WARDROBXS. STANDS, »<„ Etc„ Btc. Krp*lr<4 «•< J«kM«| il R«M«Mhit K*Im. VING FAT CHAN, Factory, ooroer of Ua( ami B«tMptaMto. sept 6-3m»