Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
. vtRvor>. » ASE TOl ♦ i Cta l «»'t * n]. timi, lUnii * IC* * luak tm na). HIKE3 ROOTBEEK * panw» :tx bioo4. tk-kl«» tb« pwUtr WHAr»THKmiTER. EXCE • Tou Jnak HI&£S ROOTBEER for p'.r*>urr uk! (J(! * tonk. Toitikrit »• * loaie »nJ Sr! pki»ure. HIRES «• HIRKS-IMPRO>ED R00T BEER! ■ UC»« * »X *C »scr HM3Ē. tv*sp*c ub MM{5 nt* •*OOT rst. »om »t whol mm»>vi o»»k m ls. n>ij r»r rv. Aah 7WU rran<M or Oeoe•» n, C. Z. HIRE8. Philaoelphia iw «tnui—tl a> *it 6« •>• B» •(aofr. ;» IIIIIE» ROOTBKSK t\»aW »aii>Wni( b* ch»ami. TX4nk «b»t • am* tt •«aU V K-.>r jhilsna»->, 4atr mJ KiKke. To tuu>l ukl Uriok npoa tbebrlak tu ha'Iwom <1 Mom N’oon, >Ti£ht - - - . )!ooJ ill tlw tim«. lt ivnoTe< thr Usfa*'r of mv>n:sti£. »si<t*in* tht «O'-'ik» »: oooa. .;i.U !hr wmiinM» oT nufht—UIKE> ROOTBEEK-4«li ".’»s »prr »ī ; »■> a lusary. ?uoJ u » tonic. lt i« trr»»ūd ail UUpnU a wood*rfal br«Uth )tivins Jrink. »n.! !t 1« Trrr r»»T f.»r aaT ono to tm«lerstard why tbu U »o. Thr nx>[. h«lu, harfc» *nj t. rn. >, (rvw wb. ii U1KE> K> )«»T BEEK b *kUIfalU itp th<* ld«QtlcaJ Ihme* fK>tn «hu*b £tif>ictaA« |Cf| Uu»r m <t htlp ful rrmedir* F«r io»Unrr. IK> t»u b*ltrTr thal «anapanlia ;♦ » mar! r • \t HIRES KtK» T BEER eoaUiu morr »ar»»; »nll» t!i»n m»nv .»rM, ir:!l»», Thr »»■■ •. •»» lo other iojcr«dlrnU. It i> dotruc monr to adr»nr« prartiral !rrnprr»nrr th»n B»uv ;wj if rr»l rr it « a».• J and rrrotnmrndrd b» tb* mo»t r»utlou« »n.t r>>n»< rT»ttvr trropmn.» fw*>|dr Th« m»t «rrnpuli>a» »b«Uinrr ran mjov HIRRB Rt*OTBEKK hiniwll. *n.t m»mn.ra.i it to br .«» »a »*rrrrablr »nd braithfal >ab*titutr for thr »troag drink «hirb h« o; po»r» lt i« » hi>Brmadr »nd hommakime kmie». It .« Trr» ra»tlv p*vJ>«frd »n.l it !hr plain dirrrtion« arr foll.>w«l, it will »!»»»» br eooA KvrrT mrmNT o(ih< f»mtiv fr. ei l;>« b»bv to thr sr»ndlathrr, ean rnjoy HIKES ROOTBKKR. »nd r V ,. rT anr of tb s> « :i h»> brtlrr bra)th for «arh «waUuw tbrv Ukr. Il improvn. tbc spprtilr. punn * tbr l>lv 1 » l tonr» tbe vboIr «v«trm Chi!drrn r»j*. i3dlT drli*bt in HIRES ROuTBEKR lt. t rrpa■’on intrcv»t« lh«m. »nd 1U u*« dor* lhrm p>n>d In thouMii.lv o< homn. • I1IK»> KO»*T BEER thal mothrr madr." wlll br th« happiml rer»llrrlt.>n« of cbitdhov».l. BEM AKE 1 lV> not rnnfound it »llh otbrr R*>otb«‘>‘r prrt>arati»tt«, »< it k> rclirTtv unlike aoTthinf; rl«e ol tb« kmd Brwarr of cilrtoU »dTrrtt««t (J>r makime K. >thrr.- *. !.>> *rr compo«rd ehk-lle of eolonm; m*t!«r »nd oll» to jive thrm a»Tor. «hsrh n ;'.r :h>- :ior< « aud eauM? nau»ra Hirr« ImprriT<d Roott>r«r parkajc>‘« m*kr» rrallT ihr mo«( harmlr»« of onr (aahiooahie drink». yrt nourUhlo(; »n.l »lr> mnhmiim tbr blood. lt rU»n»r« thr *t»i. m .<( tbc i ,. .i. , humor» that de>rlop in kldnry aod uritt»rv di«ea«e>. and In f»rt. in »nv cmr th»t »ri.. , fr ■•m an lmpare »ta(e of thr b!ood. Hlre« Imj>r»Trd Roo(hr«r i» o(fered to »he poWk wltb (ull r»nfldrm-r <f iU m r;t« it rontain* no pouoooa» or lnjarioa« jjrvprrtir» wtutever, and an inf»nt m>t t»kc tt wUh iwr frct «*fetv. JOBBEIiS: HOEKON DRUGCO..'l HOLLISTER •• - V BENSON, S.VIITU ,v CO. •• •• I LEWI3 ,t CX> Honolnia. Oet. 3B. tf.-d]y WboltPs»ie Droggial. WboIeflai!e
HOLLISTER & CO Importew, Who!©.s»le arul Uetiil OealeM in Cigrsirs, Smo]sing loloaeeo, am» Smokers -^-rticlssAgents for ihe Celebrated O. B. IX PTPKS. _ *ADE IX PAKl? »Bf7 PDBIP1ED VVATEK. No Microbes. 15 CSED BT THC 0DX5OUPaTB0 SODA WATER WORKS OOMPAXY— T3a.e-y PumiM.. tll© Fotw « Tlaj»Ti<=Oa.o-mj t3n.© .Clty, uemwu OXE 2P\aie:as Ciystal*rrr3srsr tt. 7 aug