Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BEDS of | WOVEN WIRE ! Tfee Luxiiry OF THE

A Xyaterion8 Tale. } Oid MTboi2T mr koT lbe sr»l | | 3ow the milk jro5 ie Uk dx«ust; wbea j maaeo *red »»# »o*o; Frr>« «b«a«« Un a*Iire» c*nse t0 poopie thīi C*ir urvl And U»«t dl*d. «b«rv U»«y *1I »«t. U>» b*i'pT da#kr taod.’ Tbe#« C%cts *nc ».’! aaoPen. a». icd ao »ohjlīoo jret. i And tkere'* otber tnr«tene» »< Jtrp whieh «re not &tbōmeti tv’. I Wbo w it r»a the opiam ViofC. cot !s tbe lkjttor free. I Ho* *»* U Ca*tom* men «cte t>!lnd, detee tiTe« eoaiū'ai *ee* j WTho»e roin« to be the Tsbib«dt Kia g oi thi* ao»! pioo* to«n. W*bo'U #tart tbe 9bo«. to «h m *ball «e »11 pUnk the ••neeillal” down, , Woo wlll 1« Bo#*, »nd rnn tbe flrm, «bo «ill The Bnek!er be, ; Tc do it ou the frfeco p!«n (4 tbe Ureat Kepnhiie free? Oae thinj «e know ttat BA!LEY‘S 3EDS> mtv m*de of WOVEN WIKE. They rire o» oomfort, pe»oe «ud re»t, «ud *re »11 tfa»t «e de*ire. He Uko» no part in polilie*, bat doo* lbe be#t lie c»a, To ples.«e hi» friend». »od shov ttat he’* the WOVEN WIKEMAN1 ■ \WOVEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufacturer of VJOVEN wire Beds, Hotel Strect. Honolulu, (next door t > Horn's Steam Bakerv.) 1 Sold by Ail Rs3pEotable DealErs, aug 14-lm L. B. KERR’S ANNOUNCEMENT! H.WE JCST RECEIVEl) A LARGE ASsORTMENT 0F . FINE SU1T1NGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, and;latest stvles. These gocKls wiil f>e sold in any Quantity t from » 100JYards Down to_Exouoh to Make a Sinv.le Suit ! —AND AT— H1BD THE8 PRIOES! L. B, KK.KK. . - lMPORTf!R 'Qaeen Street. Sept5-3m PIONEER Steām CANDY Factory, BAKERV «n«l lee Cream Parlors! ,W 1863 1894 PEACnCAt CONFEC HONEH and ORNAKNTER /• aU krw*ckes of ikt w tke*e i*Umds. kwmmmimmm GffTDftll |fid FfT®ch PA5TR1£9 to €JhrArr ■ • -.A ■■& »t V' _ i X-B1BTH-DAT ASD WEDDH6 CAIS M*dc «I tta V«ry Be«t Mmlenai »ad \ Famty Onkam 4 Fāficy Bread Aiw*yt m Hmmi. .41*1* coirEcnos BaUttrrtmM •llk *<’■ FACTORX A»D STORE, *?• '. 0«