Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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L. J. LEVEY Le**e W. R_ DAILEV.. Mansger Second Season of Dailey Stock Co.. antler the personaI direction of W. R Daiuit. Saturday Erening. KOV. 3. 1S94. THE BLACK FLAG. OUR CLOSL\G WEEKS! Tnesday Erening, NOV. 6. 1*94. the celebrated comed_r drama by Stuart K >ls)n, HENRIETTiL j»r;c<s. SW Doors open at 7:30, CurL»in wi!l rise at 8 o’c!ock prompt. se2*2 td

LADIES’ COLUMN. We have a coiT%ter arranged i this week devoted to WH1TE j COTTON DKESS GOODS. every pieee of whieh we expect to sell I before the week is out. They do

j not eome under tbehead of Qaick Sales and Sraall Profits, they will i be sold at jcst whav they cOst i cs, not one cent more or oae cent loss. We want the rooms for | more goods coining, we have i made great purchases for the fall and winter trade. So from time | to tirae ditferent lines of goods will be pashed just as these White Cotton Dress Goods aro at ACTUaL cost pkice. And speaking about Quick Saies and Small Profits,as a fair sample of the ditference it has mad« in piices generally we just mention LADIES' BLACK STOCKINGS. Those that we have always sold for $3 per dozen, we are now selling for |2.2o per dozen, while those that were formerly $5 per dozen are now only $4 per dozen. The same thing applies to M£N’S SOCKS. The $3 per dozen ones are now $2.25. We »imply mention these few things, because tbey sbow a fair proportion of the disconnt made throughout the entire stock ’S££T Do not forget to save your checks, you may be the one we send to the Volcano. J5C"We said some time ago that Madame Pele woukl break out again, and she has done it. By the time you are ready to go, we expect she will talk of nothing else but Quick Sales and Small Profits at

Save all your Saie Ghecks. Tou may bs the locky one. B. F. EHLERS & C0.

MORGAGEESNOTICEOFINTENTION T0 FORECLOSE AND 0F SALE. Noūoe ie herebT g>ren ih*t parsc*at u> * po«er ot sn3e oonUir«d in a oer»*'n mortd»ted Sepi*mber lst, A. D. ma*le br GEORGE NAKIAUA ud IIAKAEA OEOKOE his vii«, ct Honohihi, Isi»nd u l Oahn,U> Maiie K*h»i. Uteof s*id Hoaolaln «ieowueii, mx>rded tn the oMee ot tbe tm ol emmpaKw, in Ubi: 138, lolioeiii-2-3. J. A. Canuaias, AdatnUtnlor trith WiQ toBend ol the WU! of tbe mid MnlU Knh»», deoe**ed, intenda to loieelow mul mort£ige for » bce*rb ol tbe oooiiūon» in nid aortg*G« oootained to wit: tbe nonp*jrment of both the pnneāpnl and intere»t »bea dne. Notice ii «Uo bczebj girec th*t «11 ud i *insuUr tbe UimK uaemenU asd heiediumenU ia suJ Bortn«!e <x>aumed »rd de*cnbed, wiil be eoU at Pablic Aaeūon, »t tbe Aoeūon moai of Lee» J. Leeee.oa Wanen Stzwt. ia *ud Ho&eiain^a WEONESDAT, the 14 DAT cf NOVEMBER j 9 t

X. D. MM. al 12 o'eloek boob of «*d d«T. Tte prop«tj in «ād »ortgag« u tkā« ▼i»; ti kad Muh m Paa«»d «U> Umt c*x«<kwd kwMolima. ■inmai 1. <trocnh«d ia RoT»i _ l?s* lrod eammimnm M S15t to to Uwui oeio by tirram kk kikā. ky M mwM in Lilw»' * — »> erok ia T. 8. G»MCoia. Dwd>M _1 K. fo* tk» of tW <rf J.a.coqux& i tk* Wa uau»d af tk« Oct. M. UM. ■