Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

7hr 2inluraua <Talmdar. XOV. 3. 1894. L**» OeC Full Mooi “ I Finrt Quna ”2 Moon. " 2 1 vnoniin ih«t. 5iru f»nji. H h M S llr»«nth. Mar. E*qnimanlt. B|C. KES>~nA5TMEX. Hk Aiin»rn. Bm«n, N« wowtlt, N 8 W. \n. bk W |l Pimond T Nilnon. 8 F. S h<x*n**r Alnha, l>abri, San FrmnciMT». * M KeIlo«g. Ivan«en, OriT> //mrbor. O > S. Au«tr»li« Hoo<iiett«. 8 F. A0j hk 0*kl»nd, S«ntttc. rotrics ti.w.Lsi;\i-iurD. S .- IV l<*Tt Lemem... Lavi«an Id !>«« p M S S City of P«*ktns.Vokoh»mm. .Ort 9 Hktr< I'iAnt«r I>irs«n Id....Ocl 5 V M - h Alir« C'ook,., Pt Townt«endOct 12 •,s: hkl Kllkitat Pt Town*end.Oct 2f( A• hk EL«in«re N«-wca*tle..,.Oct 20 H* Cw!ur Forest...Nf-wc««tle Oct 2o lvirk Kontcnbeck...Li»eTp<>ol Oct 30 Am *okr Fvn Knn-ka Oct 31 Ha» l k Manii» Ala. NVwcaf<tle.. Notr 18 A' - .rPtritan.,..Neiroa»tle...Nov 30 N ‘r«bipOUnivor. Neweaaile..,Nov 30 Ger hk l'»al Iwnl)«rg. .Pmnen Dec 10 v|iip H F <ilade Liverpool....Jan 30 i*«>K»;i«5i hail tetnci. St«s»m8liii>9 will leave for an<l arrive tr<m San Franciacri »nd other foreign jv.rt<«, on or »hont the fo!lowing <lates, tiil Ihe ciose of 1894. Um Hoxourix Dct at Hoxolcxc n'K San FRAsn»oo. Fm. Sas Phaxcwoo or VAScocvtt. or Vancocter. Feking Oot 9 A;n.trali» Oct. 0 AuKimli» Oct. 13 Arawa Oct. 24 AUniola Oct. 18 Monowai Oct. 25 Miuwera N<>v i An«trali» Nov. 3 Ant>tmli»....Nov. KM'lnua Nov 12 Maripo»a... .Nov. 15 Alaniod» Nor. 22 Oeeame Nov 19 Miow«*ra Nov 24 Ar»w» D«c. 1 Anrtr»li» Doc. 1 Auvtr»lia Dec. 8 Oeeaiiie IV*c 11 Monowal ....Dec. 13 MaripoAa....Dec. 20 Mioweia.... Dec. 31 Arawa Dec. 24 China Dec 31 Australia.,. .Dec. 29 Died. Mp«. 8. Knbev to-(l«r, funeral to pl»oe (mhi her l*te reai«l«>uce Que«u 8treet, »t .11 o'eloek lo-monow. Tho I’anlhoon Saloon is the «lepot l'or the cel«jl>ratod Enterl>riseJ3eor, \vhere it ean alwaya he fonnd eool and frosh on tap. We «lo nol deal in ‘'Frederick8burg Beer” as the morning Paper—&Tougb some mialake has adverCall at the Paniheon for re-frcshing «irink. JIM D01)D, Proprietor. * Kn. Ke«]iia of the£mpire Saloon bas made a now deal whieh will toucli the hoarts, or at Ieast tho j.alates of many a thirsty wanderer. He keeps '‘half-and-bal{” ou draught and serves a most delicious aud eool bevorago, far superior to “plain” boer. se 17 tf J. J. Williams the well-known Artistio Photographer is making a sj«ecialty of portraits on Watch Dials aud Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lautern slidos lectures eau be had at the gallery. For thoy are sold at a reasonable figurc by the dozeu or by the 1 huudred. * , Ilaniwai - ■ HatiiHausB 1 The unders g ied having Lf.asEi> the nell knewn IlaNiwaI Bath Hoi8E at Waikiki, begs to infomi T«>u, tbat it will be run as a Strict/y First~C/ass BATHING RES0RT. ] £V~Speciki accoimnodation8 for L\dit s and Children. W. S. BAUTLETT, Proprietor. p.8. Trjm-cars pass th« ocS KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOL. Tb» t;r»« tcnn ‘ef(L »U1 «>pau Moudaj No\AniHealiMu ior admu*ioo a »o Mm» p«a» enbcr at Maaual or Mīm Pope. w t D be Uaa Kooie. HnU, haUrdajr iuonuug» !mtn »b* Wi U be pbwMd t o mee» a Uitj<>B ia dollan (*»., «ppHeanU sve*ved o ndcr 12 Oot 11-1». > HLS tiHJ r>.b Hawabc 12 m 0i «g*