Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — The Imperial Birthday. [ARTICLE]

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The Imperial Birthday.

Forty-two years ago the ruler who to-day is the cynosare of all the world, was born. The Emperorof Japan whose superior intelligence and determination has raised Japan from a comparatively nuknown somi-civilized nation to her ! present bigh stamling in the front nink of »he civilized conntries. ean look back with pride k> the years whieh be has spent in the service of hisbelove<l countrv. All over the world will bis loyal subjects observe his naial d«y as a holiday and the glorions reports from tbe seat of war anuonncing the eontinoed vioiory of tbe Japanese arms will enhanee the celebration of the day. May His ’ Majesty enjoy many happy retums of the day and be spared tor manr years in his nob!e work for ihe benefit of bis country and his subjects.