Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 Nowemapa 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
= 1 Mr. H. A. WMouim i, 1D ! barope. i1. ' Vho U 8° 1Q « out c«Doe-ridbic 14 tomorrow. ** *. i _ — ;* j Tbe *»n»a broogbt« nomb€r » of P*S8«nger5, I -■ , “ l*l*ck Flag" at the Ope« I Qoase touight.
The Board of HeaUh will meei next Wednesday. — i Mr. Dole did not retarn in th< Kmaa tbis moroiug. Laseba!l at Kamehameha schooig this afternoon. Mrs. OaIloway lectares thū afternoon at 3 o eloek. ?j Tomorrow is Waikiki day. All [ i on board for Sans Souci. . The band concert at tbe Hotel was woll attonded last night ) ' * .There will be no concert at Emma Sqaare this afternoon. Only inrited gaests will be admitted to the Armory tonight There are prospects of a Iheatrical season here next April. Long Branch and Ilaniwai will receivo callers all dav tomorrow. Capt. John Good is around again, but doesn’t look very well. Mrs. Thirds intends to form a Theosophical lodge in Honolulu. Another invoice of Porter per Australia for half and half at the £mpire. Dr, Brodie’s bugg\’ /as smashed last Thursday, and heeds mueh doctoring. Jj Uarry Klemme will probably j contest the electiou of E. C Winston. The California Fruit market i roceivod a fine invoice of ehoiee fruits today. / Twent\ r -two ont of forty-two registere\I voters at Waianae went to the bal!ot box. Mr. J. A. Hopper and family and Capt. Oodfrey’g familv rej turned in the Australia. Mr. Kudolph Spreckels was a passenger in the Australia. Somebody looked happy by seeing the handsom* sugar-baron again. I The arench raan-of war Da-guay-Toiin arrived tbis morning from Cal|io en routo to Ohina. She will remain in port abont five days. Bomerang Brandy endorsed by the “London Laneel," London Times Jnd the British Medical Joarnal To be found at tbe Empire. f Oysfr cockiails are again tLe favori|b beverage at the Aneh or, Washftd down with Frederi<:ksburg/>eer it becoroes one of the blesftngs of the Paradise. TJk about braying asses. Tbe towJis full of them. McBrnyer’s whi»oy is only to be fonud at thejErapire SaIoon. And when ii'Monnā it stays, * Ēhe friends of C. O. Berber rMret to learn of his serioos illMss in San Francisco. It is hopthat he will be able to return £ ihe Alameila Mra. Berger is Rrith bia>. _ ( Towse of poliiieal fame ia ihe ; city editor of the Tbe **old l»dy” «iill wields the editorU1 scissors and write bīographiea of prominent Amencans of his own stamp. The many frieuds ol Mr. aad , Mrs. 8. C. AUen were pleaeed lo < receive them tbie moming aiter j an aheenoe of twenty monilaa Buth Iookiog in excellent heelih and Mr Allen aeem» te have annibilatod the aeihma. He iaspocted faw new baildiag oa Ooeeo Street whieh ia «Marlj j oompleted and will be d«liveiwd i next week-
The Kinaa arrived this raorning Tfce Aostrali| eame into p rt h-borUy «fter 7 o’e’.oek this m>jrmng. Ex-senator Morgan is still neallcating on Haapii and does not intend to rcla soroe time. J. Alfred Magoon explains his positīon in regard to the Ameri-
ean Leagne io |his moming's AJ verthser. | “M»jor’' PoJer witnesse«i lh« battalion drill mst night of “Major” McLeod’s aen It is to be that he wported favorably to general Hatch. A number of the destroved bal!ots were marfted “God save the Queen.” Iive Liliuokalani’’ and other similar loya!s inscription. On a ballot the *‘loyaJty” was rather ro<splaced. The Atl&nta exposition has invited the republic of Hawaii to exbibiAsome products. Besides siigarfrusts,missiouaries and half bake/ revolutions Hawaiihasn't mue k to boast of.
hn Richardson was ac<juitted /uwLhe \\ ailuku I)istrict Conrt a onarge of obstructing Justice preferred against him bv the “Clar” of Mani. The Czir is now in for a datnage suit. Fhe court of inqairy in the Nanshan inntiny case was in session this morning. The members of the court sang tlie beaatiful song. “Onlv one! (interpreter)” but cruel Doyle did not respond.