Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]
[Wa do not hold onrselv« r«poasiblc for the opinion* or the ntteranees of our correitpondents.] Editob Holomūa; The Rev. T. D. Garvin in the course of his eommuuieaiion in the Advertiscr of Nov. lst, says: “We are nicknamed ‘Oamphellites’ a name we utterly repudiate.’' We wish to say, that we heartily sympathise with tbe Kev. Mr. Garvin iu his religious principles, and we also cheerfully congratalate the Kev. gentleman in his utter repudiation of a sect known as the ’Campbellites.” As for our hnmhle self, we depise tl|t creed ! Anonymofs.