Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 Nowemapa 1894 — For The A. U. P. [ARTICLE]
For The A. U. P.
We tbought that the A. U. P. I umler the groat Murray and his ; bosom friend Joncs were adver.se 1 ! to Asiatic labor. Mevertheless we see -Japanese coming here by | whole sale and nary a world is said by the great Murray or his j : bosom friend Jones. We print below the “arraugement” for “ehenp labor” whieh meets with the unanimons suppoi - l of Mr. Jones and other planters. May wo ask the great Murray if he also approvos of the scheme orif he yet remembers the platform recently sworn to by every ! member of the A. l T . P.? Ogura Co. offer the following i “good M terms for eheap labor. lst. Passage money from Jap- \ an to Ho; olulu for eaeh male laborer, is to be paid by the planter at the rate of $30, and | for eaeh female $20. 2ud. Wages for eaeh male j $12.50 per monih. and for eaeh i female, if she works, $7.60 per montb, eaeh month to be 26 working da)*s, and at a liko rate for any part or parts of a montb. 3rd? $2.00 per month shalt be retained by the planter from tbe raonthlv wages ol eaeh male j laborer for a period of 15 montbs . from the date of siguing, aud such sums to be turned over to K. Ognra & Co. . monthly, and by tbem deposited in a bank of sav- i ings, as trustee for the laborers, | ana ean be used by Ogura A Co. | to reimburse the planter, only when satisfactory proof be fur- 1 nished ihat ihe laborer has deser ted his contraet: upon such proof being given Ogura A Co. Will ! indemnīty the planter for the i period of ihe contract whieh may remain nnfinished, at the rate of 83| cents per monih for eaeh male, and 651 cents pcr monih for eaoh female. I! tne laborer serro* hia (nll time, or is honorably discharged, or the contract ia mntoally cancelled, he ean draw the tnll anm placed to hia credit 4th. The plantar ahall, in addition, retain $100 moothly from aoeh wagea for eaeh male, and 50 cents for eaeh lemale. Snch soms to be torned orer to Onn & Ca monthly, and be by them d«poait«d in a baak oI aanng«, aa Inwleaa. Tbia anm will only be arailable npon the depariure ol ihe laboier(ioM the conntry, aod
is for the purpose _of sec‘ir»Bg ro torn pansage. 5th. Ogiu» k Co.. for the pn vilege of fumishing Uborers, will file » bond. orgire some otber ►, »oi»rantee, so tbat the planter j, sb«U be secored from loss throogh on acconnt of Uie pass*ge money paid by them in advance. Tbis ean be consi - dered in tbe light o£ labor insuranee. After fifteen montbs of service tbe l«borer becomes bis own , bondsman tbroogh th e the aeeumolation of $30. The amounts to be retnmed to the planter are stated in Seotion 3. 6th. The term of contract shall be for three years, from the dat« of signing. <The laborer will be contracted for « n arrival. They will leave Japan as free men aad women, and be »abject. on arrival, to the Hawaiiao laws. a» regards contracts, when they are contracted for. 7th. Planters will be required lo p«y all personal taxes, provide ! i nfurnished lodgings, fire-wood and all necessary med : cal attendance/ree of charge.