Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company. M. REtS W.0. OUINNi LEWIS J. LEVEY. Real Estate and Gener.il Auctioneer. Coro«r Fort *nd Qb*ch StNrts. Honohiia Person*l *ttention given to S*lee of Fornilure, Re*l Eetate, Stock and Genernl Merchandise. UaVaai TrW*>o* 33» POUND MASTER’S N0TICE. j Notic« is hereby giren to «11 th«t I therr «re at the Cto»<rmB«nt Poat»d «t !»■ kiki thrfc rtntTed bones. 1 while marē br«nd iadwcnb«We 1 mi staHion bntaded P on the Wt hind , leg white spot on the b*ck. I red st«llion Wanded FF on the right hind l«g white tpot on (orehe*d «nd «11 (eei «re white. Any person or peneona owning thew «nimale in reqneeted to oome «n i t«ke th« s«n>« on or be(o«e tbe d*y o( sale 12 o elook noon SATURDAY, Not- 3WM KAAPA, Ponnd MxsU r. ‘ Anchor-;-Saloon Ex ‘ AUSTKALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Ronowned FREDERICKSBURG LAGER BEER On dranght and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty. Small Fresh Califorh/a 0YSTERS. FOR COC1CTxV1LS raayl 3ms LEW1S & C0.. Whoieoaie snd Retaii Groceries AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAL1F0RNIA 8ALM0N ON1C1 By Erery 8tu Frnncūco B:««mer. 8alt Salmos in Barkels A SPECTALTT. III Fort Si., līonolulu. Tel. 140, O. Box 2<3r?. A Complete Hunting Outfit. Om lr.tb S«tt«r bitch of the beat blood in Amenen, r«gistered in Ihe A. K. 3. B. and p»rtly brokeo.

Oa« Poioter bitch bj tbe eelebr»ted Gl«nbe : gh th«t coet 91000 īn EogUod. Ooe Pop firo «eeks o!d L»tber •nd notber tborosgfabreedi. Ooe Bockbonrd for hontiog porpoeea. Ooe 12 gsog« L. C. Sm tb g«o m good m nn«r ond m fioe order. Tb«»bore ootfit wil) be eoid ehenp Ecqa!re oI W. H. CUNNINGHAM. Anehor Se!oon. •npl9tf