Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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hOLO(*UC 1» !TBLlSHSO Kverv /Vftemoon eicept scxdat bt the Holoaua Pablishiag Co. \t King St (Thomas block), Uonolula. H. I. J 5ūBSC2IPTI0N, per Month. 50 Cu. Tb« r*P eT “ b 7 C*mer» In Ihe . :mxi ac i »abnrbs. Smale Copie« for lbe Newii I>e*ler« ana «l ine Offioe of polheelion. £QmjKD N0RRIE. - - Editor p' M. ROONEY. - - Manager NOTICE. ii] Hnnneee Communlcationa «ho»ld be to P. M. k KOONEY, Honolulo, U- L <torrwponoenoe and OommumeeUona tor .mhhmlion should be eddreeeed to the £ditor ilolomna. No nolioe wOl be paid U) unv anonjn*oW eommunioalione. Iiusiness Cards VOLNBY V. ASHFOKD, AUomey and Coauselor at Law, Office, Site of the 01d Bethel — \\’est Corner of Kiug and Bethel Stroets. j)’2l A. P. PETERSON, attokney at law. Uffloe; 113 Kaahumanu S*reet, Houolulu Hawaiiau I«lands. CHAKLES CREIGHTON,l ATTORNET AT LAW. 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honolnlu Uawaiian ialanda. paul neumann, attobney at law. 314 Morchant Street. Honolulu, Mutual Teiephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, iTTOUNEV AXD OOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlce. v)ld Capitol Bnildina, (Honolulu Unle), aojoining Poat Offioe, Honoluln.i A. ROSA, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, No. l r > Kaahumanu St., Honoluln, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTUAtTOR AND BDILDER,| 86 King St. Bell Telephoue 107. P. H. REDWARD. CX)NTHACTOB axd BDU»ER, No. 506 King Street. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Wl. FOSTER, ATORNKY-AT-LAW. 42 Morchaut Street. Oel llth. A. G CORREA, l#-ATTOENKT AT LAW.UH 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. jj*> Fernandes & Gomes WHOLK8ALK Cal!fornia Wlnea and 8plrits, N'o. 502 Fort St., Honolulu, H. L P O. Box 436, Mulual Tel«. 14a

i*e enwm COMPĀST, 335 Both TkmpHosk* H«ok Suud, Corner Ki M&aaakea 8treet«. Houn». BHW 8AM YEE HOP No. 552 King Street, C&li!orn»a and H&w&i «nd VegeUbl«. Gua T®& aud Ornaod Ooli'ee, All in U ©Hy. etc