Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
B. BERGERSEi\ ASV«i 1« «SING-ER 8KWINO MAOHINE COMPY. All Kin«ls of Neeillee for S«le and Repairing I)one. Oainon’» Block Uelhel Street, Honololu. P. O. Box 440. jy21 Long Branch -8ATHWG<Establishment. Thi» Firsl-Class Bathing Resort haa been enlarged and is now opeu to the puhlie, lt is the l>est plaee on the ielanda to enjoy a Bath, and there is no better olaoe to lay off. Special aocomiuodations for La - dies. Tramcars pass the door every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifleen ininuiea. C. J. SHKR\VOOD, jy24 Froprietor. lo\/eJoy&co, Wiije \ Liquoi? ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your aileniion to Our Special Brands’ Long!ife § Pure cream RYE WH!SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in caskeor bottles CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAJR 33 IA.GrKS, AT ALL HOURS. Aoth Teiephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADK, Manager june 15-tL viHQ-!-F/t-:-chah —: FURMTUR£ DEAL£RS. «C to lnform Uk p«bUc lba« tbey terc opcaod a Bnmch Store tt No. 322, Nuumu Sl, Wbcn tter earry • eoapMe Uo« of H£DKOOM 6KTS, CUAlHi>, TAXLEA WARDKOB£S, 8TAM>S, Ktc.< Ktc., Ktc. r«nni«N u4 CiM>tl l«Mi| •I ImmmU* IMm. VING FAT CHAN, Factory. oon»tr of EiB£ aod B«tteJKtrtte».