Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MORG AG E XOTICE 0F INTENTION T0 FORECLOSE AND OF SALE. Noliee is hereby giTen that pursuant to a po«cr of sa!e oontained in a certain mortgage dated September lst, A. D. 1892; tnade by GEORGE NAKIAUA oud MAR.VEA GEORG£ his wife, of Honoluln, Islard of Oahu.lo Malie Kahai, lateof saidlionoluln deeeaaed, recorded in the office of the Regislrar of Conveyances, in Libe,- 13S,folios221-2-3. J. A. Cummins. Administrator with Will annexed of the Will of the said Malie Kahai, deceued, inteuds to foreclose said mortgage for a breach ol tbe conditiona in aaid mortgage oontained to wit: the nonpayment of both the phneipal and interest when due. Notice is also hereby giren Uiat ail and siugular the lands, tenements and hereditaments in said mortgagc contained and described, will b* aold at Pnbbc Auelion, at the Auction room of Lewis J. Levey, on Queeu Street, in said Honoluln jon WEDSESDAY, the 11 DAY of >*OVEMBER A. D. 1S91# at 12 o’eloek noon of said day. The property in said mortgage is thus described, vi*: That certau pieee ol land situ»tc in Pauoa, Uonoluln. aforesaid, and also that certain pieee of land ātnate at Anwaiolimn, Honoluln aforesaid, describcd iu RoyaI Patent 1789, L«nd Commission Award 3154 to Makaionlu. oonveyed to Umanma opio by Umanma his father, by deed recorded in Liber 30 Jp. 296-7, anl by’satd Umauma oplo to George Kakiana by deed recorded in Libej136 p. 307-8. Term cash in ū. 8. Gold Coin. Deeds at expense of pnrchaser. ror further partioalare, apply to Jaa. K. Kanlia and Enoeh Johuson. Attorueys for the Administrator wiih tbe Will anneied of tbe Will o( Malie Kahai, decoased, Mortgagee. J. A. CUMMINS. Administ»tor with the Will annexed of the WiU of Malie Kalui, deceased, Mortg*gw. Dated Honolulu. Oct. 24, 1894. 3wks-dly. " ~ 1 —~ —■— ({Ml dom , fc Cii*cait of the IN PR0BATE. In Uie nutter ol the Estate of Hmi G. McGbzw Ute of Hooolaln, Oaha decc*#c d, isS«wUte. Os Rkxdixi< aad Pila* the Petiton oi AmoMm McGnzw oi 8an Franot»eo, Cat. alkeing that Umi O. McGuw of Honolalu iiied intcstate al Hooulein. oo lbe ii day of t>ctobcr. A. D 1894. and prejtimr Uat LcUers nf Admitti*tr*tion Ueue O. Cmni Sn. lx ts oueuo that Friday tbe 33 day of >ovembcr. A. D. IW*. a! 10 o’eloek a.m . be aad berebv U appolala* for be*ring nW Pctition, Sn tke Cowt Roo» ot tbc Conrt, *t HonoinU. ai whieh ume aad plaee all pereoo* eooeemeO mav apj’car *ad ahow emae, if *ay they hare, why w«d Petito® *hoaW »ot be (jrantedDate Hoaolaio, H.LO(tHAD. 1»M. Bt thc Court. Gto»ox Leeaa, OHl eeMMi XOTl€E. Duriag mv abaea oucsu. uum ia dnly aalbomed to fcr all hw dn« and UBtfl I t.yr. l.USING, at mjy oflto IMM,at i. W. vomsQ, aak 17tb 1» CARD OP NOTICE. Scharf <4Col. lus renooved io !ingtoo Bloefc Holel Sfat fcbev wiil be better*y« Aiid plaaae tbeir Pa,lron*. Will kMp ou haad «11 the all 01 m!4 t