Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
« ■ L We h«re • coontrr »rranged tj,r« we*-k devot«d to WH1TE CUTTON DRESS GOODS. er«ry r pieee of «hicb «e 6spect to sell before ihe «eek is out They do aot eome nnder the be*d ol Qaiek Sadee tod Scuall Profits. thev «ill be sou> at /r?r *hay thkt cost i n0t ooe cent more or one cent less. We «»ct the rocms for; more goods cocoing, «e have made great porcbases for the fall «ioter trade. So from tune to time differeot lines of goods «ill be poshed just as these W te Cotton Dress Goods are at ieieiL : C0OT PKICE. And speaking aboat Quick Sales and Small Profits.as a fair sampie of the differenee it bas made in ptices geuerally «e jost meniion LADIES' BLACK STOCKINGS. Those that «e have al«ays sold for 83 per doz- \ en, *e are now selling for per dozen, while tbose tbat «ere : fomerly $5 per dozen are no« j on!y 81 per dozen. The same j thing appiies to MEN’S SOCKS. ! The 83 per dozen ones are no« 12.23. We t»imply mention these few things. b->caose they sho« a fair proportion of the discount \ made tbroughont tbe entire stock , I3TDo not forget to save yoar ’ checks, yon may be tbe ono we scnd to the Volcano. said s»me tirae ago 1 tli.it M;idarae Pele wouM break ; out agaiu, aud sbe has duno it. ! By tbe tirae you are ready to go, we expect sbe will Nrtkof notbing ! else but Quick Sales and Hoiall rn-fits at all your Sale Checks. You may b? the lucky one. B. F. £HLERS & C0.